Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Still more... of nothing.

But what else can you expect from a party devoid of substance?

From here:

Tue Feb 14 2006 08:28:55 ET


THE DRUDGE REPORT has obtained an email sent Monday evening by Democratic National Committee (DNC) research director Devorah Adler that contains ten opposition research packets on potential 2008 GOP presidential contenders.

In one packet titled “Newt Gingrich: 08 Watch February 2006” a picture of the former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich (R-GA) appears with --- him holding two full plates of food!

The quote underneath the Gingrich photo reads “In His Own Words: Gingrich’s Solution To Childhood Obesity: ‘Turn off the TV, cut the fatty diet and get exercise.’ [AP, 2/8/06]”
But one of the more interesting quotes out of the story was the Republican response to the matter:
One Republican strategist who had seen the opposition research packets said: 'We should expect nothing less than name-calling and referring to one’s political opponents as ‘fat’ from Howard Dean’s Democrat Party.'

To that, I would respectfully disagree. To say that we should "expect nothing less" actually implies that the democrats have hit the valley as far as classlessness goes. I beg to differ, since the level of classlessness to which a democrat would stoop to gain political advantage knows no floor.

Indeed the appropriate response would be,
"We should expect nothing more than name calling and referring to one's political opponents as 'fat' from Howard Dean's Democrat Party.
(Filed under moonbat adventures, elections)