Anyone Else See A Disconnect Here?
- Voted three times to allow a child who survived an abortion to die on a gurney.
- Allowed the trafficking of guns into the hands of Mexican drug lords via Operation Fast and Furious, knowing they would be utilized in the commission of crimes and murders, sending hundreds of people to their deaths, including U.S. Border Agent Brian Terry.
- Forced Catholic and other Christian institutions to violate their consciencesby attempting to force them to fund birth control and abortifacients.
- Imprisoned a Marine for speaking his mind on Facebook
- Shut down hundreds (1000s?) of GM dealerships and put thousands out of work.
- Prevented tens of thousands of United States workers from finding gainful employment during the worst recession since the Great Depression- by blocking the Keystone Pipeline Project.
- Is the consummate narcissist, assigning credit to no one but himself, assigning blame to EVERYONE but himself.
Now, can you please tell me again why you think he’s a “nice guy?”