Monday, August 27, 2012

Anyone Else See A Disconnect Here?

  • Voted three times to allow a child who survived an abortion to die on a gurney.
  • Allowed the trafficking of guns into the hands of Mexican drug lords via Operation Fast and Furious, knowing they would be utilized in the commission of crimes and murders, sending hundreds of people to their deaths, including U.S. Border Agent Brian Terry.
  • Forced Catholic and other Christian institutions to violate their consciencesby attempting to force them to fund birth control and abortifacients.
  • Imprisoned a Marine for speaking his mind on Facebook
  • Shut down hundreds (1000s?) of GM dealerships and put thousands out of work.
  • Prevented tens of thousands of United States workers from finding gainful employment during the worst recession since the Great Depression- by blocking the Keystone Pipeline Project.
  • Is the consummate narcissist, assigning credit to no one but himself, assigning blame to EVERYONE but himself.
Now, can you please tell me again why you think he’s a “nice guy?”

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Spaceballs can teach us a lot about the current state of the RNC.

Well…What DO we got?
To answer in short– a hell of a lot.
The problem is that there are a bunch of spineless wimps running the RNC. They don’t understand that the DNC is willing to do ANYTHING, lie, cheat, steal to get their people elected. All we have to do is hit them with the TRUTH– but when you’re a democrat, the TRUTH is ugly and hurts like a sonofabitch– in fact, any truth telling is considered an all-out assault against them–like a cross against a vampire. The RNC, though, always wants to play “nice.” They don’t want to go into the gutter– but at the same time, they don’t realize that they don’t have to go in the gutter– they just need to tell the TRUTH. Until they realize that, we’re in for a long, upward battle. Like During WWII, which was ended with the dropping of two atomic bombs, the simple telling of the TRUTH are the atomic bombs the Republicans have in their arsenal that for some reason known but to God they are unwilling to use!
For Heaven’s sake, they won’t even allow two conservative superstars, Sarah Palin and Colonel Allen West- to speak at the convention!
With the dismal outcomes of Obama’s empty promises he made in 2008, his administration’s direct connection to the murder of Brian Terry, his squandering of our taxpayer dollars for no other reason than to benefit his Union and “green job” campaign benefactors, his stonewalling on energy, his total irreverence for the First Amendment and freedom of Religion and of conscience; his de facto increase in the size of the Dependency Class in America; his administration’s extended use of drone technology to target American citizens; his administration’s selective administration of the law (i.e., their refusal to prosecute the Black Panther voter intimidation case); not to mention his wholesale complicity with the destruction of the unborn; we not only have a Cuisinart- we have the most powerful weapon known to man on our side–the TRUTH– and it’s high time the RNC uses it.

Saturday, August 04, 2012


I hear that there are catcalls from everywhere in the left wing fever swamp to pull broadcast licenses. Death threats have been left on the answering machines of corporate officers, and “99 %ers” have been camped out on their lawns.  Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are leading the charge with their bullhorns, calling for JUSTIIIICE!!
Wait– You mean it wasn’t Fox and Rupert Murchoch that did this? You mean it was NBC that did this?
Never mind–move along…nothing to see here.
NBC Stumbles Into PC Trap | Power Line
Is NBC raaaciiist? They’re getting hammered right now for the juxtaposition of their coverage of Gabby Douglas’s gold medal in gymnastics and a network spot promoting an upcoming NBC show. Couldn’t happen to a more deserving…