Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Monday, September 26, 2011
GAFFES MEAN THINGS* (*unless you're a democrat.)
Of course, last time anyone checked in American history, there has never been, nor is there ever likely to be, an inter-continental railroad.
Unless they decide to build a trestle between New York City and London, England.
Of course, the media is likely to have a veritable field day with this latest Bachmann gaffe, and use it once again to showcase how utterly uncouth and ill-informed she is.
No wait. My bad. It wasn't Bachmann who said that.
It was Barack Hussein Obama (hmm-hmm-hmm-pbuh).
Never mind.
Move along.
Nothing to see here.
Posted by Leo Pusateri at 8:50 PM |
media bias,
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Wednesday Hero Blogburst 9-14-2011

105 years old from Pinckneyville, Illinois
Oct. 26, 1905 - Aug. 14, 2011

At 105 years old, Albert Brown was the oldest living living survivor of the Bataan Death March.
In April of 1942, then Capt. Brown and 70,000+ American and Filipinos were marched 66 miles to POW camps on the Bataan peninsula in the Philippines with little food or water. Many were beaten and killed along the way and left where they fell. “One 18-year-old I knew, he fell down,” Mr. Brown said. “A guard came along and put a gun to his head, pulled the trigger and walked away.”
Capt. Brown spent 3 years as a POW where he was beaten; thrown down stairs, seriously injuring his back; and struck in the neck by a rifle butt, causing a fracture. When he was finally freed he weighed just 90 pounds. “We were listed in groups of 10. If one escaped out of the 10, they eliminated the rest of them, killed them. So, at night, just before roll call, you tried to find out if your 10 were still there.”

You can read more about Maj. Albert Brown here
These brave men and women sacrifice so much in their lives just so others may get to enjoy freedom. For that I am proud to call them Hero.
Those Who Say That We're In A Time When There Are No Heroes, They Just Don't Know Where To Look
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Posted by Leo Pusateri at 7:51 PM |
Wednesday Hero
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