Saturday, September 08, 2007

The evolving leftist nomenclature...

Ever notice how the left hijacks words, and twists their meanings around until they "sound good," sort of like a euphemistic dressing up of a piece of shit?

The whole "political correctness" movement, started in the mid 1980s, was based on the hijacking of language, as a means of pressuring others to utilize a common vernacular when broaching subjects. If one was so "crass" as to use nomenclature other than the neo-socialist lexicon, it was then fair game to brand the speaker a "racist-sexist- homophobe" --you get the idea.

After all, if neo-socialists could control language, they could control thought.

A whole dictionary of codespeak was developed over the years.

For example, "gay" for homosexual, "contributi0ns" for taxes; or "reproductive health" for abortions.

There are some occasions, however, in which evidence and logic simply overpowers the power of the term du jour. Take "global warming" for instance.

The neo-socialists have been utilizing the "global warming" term as a hammer for over a decade as a means to beat government, corporations, and ordinary citizens into submitting to their "bataan death march" toward their brave new world of a neo-socialist paradise.

But something has recently happened that started to spoil their heretofore jolly march toward their Huxlian Utopia. Many of those who had been beaten by the "global warming" hammer had begun to realize that there were a few cracks in the handle. Many began to question global warming as a concept, and still many more were beginning to question whether, like the liberal orthodoxy demanded, humans were indeed the cause of it. And they started doing research, and coming up with scientific proof that belied the liberals' latest "lies of convenience."

People began to recognize the fact that with regard to the case of global warming, the liberal thought emperors had no clothes (admittedly, not a pretty sight in many cases).

The Church of Global Warming fought back, of course, even going so far as to demonize and compare those who disagreed with their orthodoxy with those who deny that the holocaust happened. A battle that still goes on today.

Yet, something significant has happened as of late; something new in the zeitgeist of political discourse. Specifically, within the space of the last few months, the term, "global warming" has quietly, and without fanfare, been conspicuously absent from the liberal lexicon and from recent stories from their faithful in the mainstream media.

Could it be that the liberals have finally come to terms with the futility and thus declining power of the term, "global warming?" And having come to terms with its imminent demise, have they finally withdrawn it as their hammer of choice?

Perhaps so.

"The phrase 'climate change' is growing in preferred use to 'global warming' because it helps convey that there are changes in addition to rising temperatures."

A stroke of genius, no?

A new "hedge your bet" hammer that the neo-socialists can utilize to smack down the proletariat, no matter which direction the thermometer goes!

While they may have hit a speed bump in their upward march downward spiral toward their Huxlian utopia with the demise of one term, the "Emperors of Thought" have barely skipped a beat in coming up with a new hammer.

You gotta admire their persistence, if nothing else.


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