Monday, December 10, 2012

The Liberals Have Really Stepped in it This Time...

Judge finds NC ‘Choose Life’ plates unconstitutional
RALEIGH, N.C. – A federal judge has ruled it is unconstitutional for North Carolina to issue pro-life license plates unless…

Here is the takeaway line…
“This is a great victory for the free speech rights of all North Carolinians, regardless of their point of view on reproductive freedom,” said Chris Brook, legal director of the ACLU-NCLF.
Brook said the government cannot create an avenue to express one side of a political issue while denying an equal opportunity to citizens with an opposing view.”
This is quite interesting… and at once damning to all the government-sanctioned intellectual monopolies held by the Left.
Given the Federal Court’s decision, for instance,
Should the taxpayers support Darwinism exclusively being taught in schools, while at the same time denying equal opportunity and access for those who espouse Intelligent Design theory?”
Given the Federal Court’s decision, why should the taxpayers be forced to support Planned Parenthood, and at the same time not be forced to support Pro-Life organizations?
In their zeal to utilize the courts to push their agenda, it appears that ‘progressives’ have really stuck it to themselves this time.