Monday, August 03, 2015

Never Again?

I was watching "Band of Brothers" last week--the episode where the Nazi death camp is discovered.
They (the Nazis) were massacring tens of thousands of people, in a camp located right near their community, right under the noses of those in the community--and they did NOTHING.
After they liberated the camp, the 101st Airborne conscripted the nearby townsfolk to carry all the bodies out of the death camp and to bury them. The people were aghast as they carried out their grisly duty; unaware that such atrocities could occur, right under their noses. They had no answer when interrogated as to why they continued to allow those atrocities to occur.
At some of those death camps, there were even bizarre experiments in dismemberment, disfugurement, and other forms of torture conducted, sometimes on live prisoners.
After WWII, the solemn pledge that arose was the phrase, "NEVER AGAIN!"
NEVER AGAIN! would the world allow such atrocities to occur against a defenseless group of people.
NEVER AGAIN! would the world stand by and do nothing in the face of what is surely evil.
And now, eighty years have passed, and there are now 'death camps' scattered all over America, centered mostly in minority urban centers--these death camps are massacring hundreds of thousands of babies every year. These death camps are also known as 'abortion 'clinics,' most commonly known as "Planned Parenthood" clinics. At a goodly portion of these death camps, bizarre and horrific dismemberment and disfigurement of their victims take place for later experimentation and other uses, sometimes perpetrated on born-alive victims.
These atrocities take place right under our noses. And the powers that be do nothing. People literally whistle past the graveyard. Even our own United States Senate, charged with the Constitutional Duty to protect the Right to Life, today refused to remove the mechanism through which these atrocities are funded and are allowed to continue. Even after the atrocities, thanks to the Center for Medical Progress, had been documented on film ad nauseum, the abject cowards in the United States Senate refused to lift a finger to keep these atrocities from continuing.
We who individually and collectively refuse to defend the defenseless can no longer lay claim to live in a blessed nation. I cannot fathom a Creator who would continue to bless his creation for disrespecting and wantonly desecrating that which was made in His own image, and that we were charged to protect.
A moment of Judgment is no doubt coming... one in which our Creator will force US to view and to confront the horrors which we have wrought, and one in which which we will singularly and collectively have to answer the question, "What did YOU do to defend the defiling of My creation?"
I'm afraid my answer will be, "Not enough Lord...not enough."
Never again?