Our Speaker of the House is a TRAITOR.

Good News: Nancy Pelosi begrudgingly acknowledges success in Iraq.
Bad News: Rather than crediting our generals, our soldiers on the ground, and Iraqis, what does the good little dhimmi (who just happens to hold the third highest office in the land), Nancy Pelosi, do???
She CREDITS IRAN. The same islam-o-tards who are helping to kill our soldiers in Iraq!
Read the whole, disgusting story here, and listen to Nancy Pelosi betray her nation here.In an interview yesterday with the San Francisco Chronicle, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi claimed the U.S. troop surge failed to accomplish its goal. She then partially credited the success of the troop surge to “the goodwill of the Iranians,” claiming that they were responsible for ending violence in the southern city of Basra.
Asked if she saw any evidence of the surge’s positive impact on her May 17 trip to Iraq she responded:
Well, the purpose of the surge was to provide a secure space, a time for the political change to occur to accomplish the reconciliation. That didn’t happen. Whatever the military success, and progress that may have been made, the surge didn’t accomplish its goal. And some of the success of the surge is that the goodwill of the Iranians-they decided in Basra when the fighting would end, they negotiated that cessation of hostilities-the Iranians.
Apparently, it must be genetically impossible for a modern-day democrat to give any credit to our military nor to national foreign policy.
Yet giving a verbal high-five to a SWORN enemy of our nation comes as easily to their traitorous, scummy lips as does the phrase, "pass the salt."
As a parent of a soldier who, along with his Minnesota National Guard compatriots (and Iraqis) did a helluva job getting the Anbar province under control, excuse me if I take extreme offense to Nancy Al-Pelosi's bald-faced treasonous vomit.
She needs to be bitch-slapped.
I was getting to the point where I thought I could no longer be surprised nor outraged at anything democrats did or said.
I continue to be proven wrong in that regard.