Friday, May 09, 2008

Perhaps he got the U.S. confused with the number of Heinz varieties...

"57 states with one left to go"

Then again, perhaps Obama was speaking about 57 different mental states... judging by the video, he appears to have made his most recent appearance (and has since taken up residence) in the State of Psychosis.

And the man has the gall to suggest that McCain is the one who is "losing his bearings?"

(h/t Powerline)

P.S.--Obama suggests that his staff wouldn't allow him to visit Alaska or Hawaii.

Aside from the fact that the residents of Alaska and Hawaii no doubt owe Obama's staff a debt of gratitude, this nonetheless conjures up a frightening picture of the future President Obama:
"Well, I wanted to visit the Middle East to broker that deal with the Iranians, but my staff wouldn't let me go."

Or, to add a reductionist twist: "I wanted to go to the playground, but my mommy said I couldn't go!"

And he expects us to believe that he has what it takes to be "commander in chief?"

Geesh--some people's kids.