Gottwalt Finds His Niche...
ST. PAUL –Rep. Steve Gottwalt, R-St. Cloud, has accepted anThey couldn't find a better fit for the position.
appointment to chair the House Health and Human Services Reform
Gottwalt, who recently won election to a third term, has served on
House HHS committees and other key HHS groups as a member of the
minority. He sponsored numerous reform-minded initiatives and said his
new leadership position will give him a chance to advance common-sense
solutions. The state estimated his Healthy Minnesota Plan bill could
save more than $110 million over two years, while paying hospitals and
providers better and providing coverage to low income Minnesotans.
“The need for true reform in HHS could not be more clear,” Gottwalt
said. “We face significant budget challenges in the upcoming session
and I am eager to get to work on sustainable solutions. We are in great
need of a new approach. Our current approach to HHS services is making
many promises we cannot keep with money we do not have. I am honored to
serve as chair of this important committee."
Congratulations, Steve...and congratulations, Minnesota!~