Monday, September 12, 2005

A nastygram to NWA after being caught in Voice Mail Hell..

Your voice directory system, sirs/madames, leaves much to be desired. I wanted to check on seating arrangments, as the seats that I had originally booked were not the ones I ended up with. Instead, I ended up in voice mail hell where I was subjected to go through flight times and itineraries, which was a total waste of time (and money, as time IS money). As a helpful suggestion, try not to insult your customers' intelligence by forcing them to go through information that they may not want or need, before being transferred to someone who can truly answer their question. Outside of not angering your customers to the point of wanting to reach through the telephone to strangle the computer, by allowing them the option to skip past unwanted information you may just find that you will have happier customers who engage in repeat business with NWA. If you do not change this insidious electronic bureaucratic torture chamber, and there are other non-masochistic customers such as myself, who abhorr wasting time in voice-mail hell, the opposite may indeed be the case. Good Day, sirs!