Thursday, August 16, 2007

MN SD-15 Resolution regarding I-35W Bridge and Possible Special Session

A couple of nights ago, the MN SD 15 Republican Committee and some concerned constituents (including yours truly) drafted the following approved resolution to be presented to Governor Pawlenty:


WHEREAS, we thank Governor Tim Pawlenty, Lieutenant Governor Carol Molnau and the Minnesota delegation to the United States House of Representatives and Senate for their leadership during the 35W bridge collapse; and

WHEREAS, the Legislature and the Minnesota Department of Transportation has not put together a statewide priority checklist; and

WHEREAS, it is an established conservative principle to utilize tax payer monies in the most efficient manner possible so as to minimize the tax burden on working Minnesota families; and

WHEREAS, conservative principles have been proven to be sound policy under all conditions; and

WHEREAS, the cause of the 35W bridge collapse will not be known for 12-18 months pending agency assessments, investigation and reports; therefore be it

RESOLVED, that we exhort our Governor to create a comprehensive roadmap for Minnesota to build safe highways & bridges, and be it further

RESOLVED, that we especially exhort Governor Pawlenty to not call a special session, and be it further

RESOLVED, that we also exhort Governor Pawlenty to not sign any legislation that includes a gas tax increase.

Resolution approved by Senate District 15 BPOU Executive Committee; and by concerned citizens and delegates present at the 14 August, 2007 Senate District 15 BPOU Executive Committee Meeting.