Monday, January 21, 2008

Next time you bitch about the cost of gasoline...

Lay the blame where it belongs: Right on the laps of the enviro-whackos and those who cater to their every whim:
Bill Delays Oil Exploration for Polar Bear Listing
By Monisha Bansal Staff Writer
January 21, 2008

( - Environmentalists welcomed a bill introduced by a House Democrat last week that would delay the sale of land in Alaska for oil exploration. Environmentalists believe the Interior Department wants to avoid classifying the polar bear as an endangered species until the land -- which is polar bear habitat -- is sold.

"The only thing keeping pace with the melting of the sea ice is the breakneck speed with which the Department of the Interior is rushing to approve oil and gas activities in polar bear habitat," said Kassie Siegel, director of the Center for Biological Diversity's Climate, Air and Energy Program, a liberal organization.

"This oil and gas sale must not proceed, because the impacts to polar bears have not been considered," Siegel said.
Yeah, asswipe. Just like all the damage that the Alaska pipeline did to those poor caribou.

It's time that we started ignoring these chicken-little alarmists for the idiots that they are.