Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Why do the DFL hate taxpayers?

I just heard on the radio that, as a response to Pawlenty's line-item vetos yesterday, DFL MN Senator Ellen Anderson today asked why, "...the governor hates the people of St. Paul."

The ever-present, ever-whining Tony Sertich added that the Republican governor singled out projects in Democrat districts, particularly in St. Paul.

Of course, they say nothing regarding the fact that the overwhelming majority of the pork in the bill was earmarked for democrat districts, and that they consequently received the lion's share of the cuts.

But like whiny, spoiled teenagers who didn't get what they wanted from Daddy, the DFL had no response, except to whine "Why do you hate us?!?"

Given the (il)logical extension of that claim, and given that the DFL just recently passed the largest tax increase in Minnesota history, it just begs the question,

"Why do the DFLers in the Minnesota legislature hate taxpayers?"

I'm waiting for an answer from Ellen Anderson on that one.