"...A North Korean defector testified to have witnessed forced abortions and infanticide at a detention camp in North Korea.
"I heard the cries of both mother and child through the curtain (at a hospital). And through the partially open curtain, I witnessed the nurse covering the infant's face with a wet towel on a table, suffocating it," a 28-year-old identified as Park Sun-ja told an international conference on North Korean human rights abuses Tuesday.
"The baby stopped crying about ten minutes later," added Park, whose real name was not provided to protect her.
Seven other North Korean defectors appeared at the 6th International Conference on North Korean Human Rights and Refugees, testifying about human rights violations on North Koreans...."
Then again, whether the abortion is forced or not... the end result for the aborted is the same. Whether in Auschwitz, a Korean Detention Camp, or your friendly neighborhood Planned Parenthood abortion clinic, The murder of innocents occurs. Now that I think of it, perhaps those in this country shouldn't be pointing an accusing finger so readily...