Assimilate or hit the road.... Americans are getting fed up.
Americans to immigrants:This is refreshing news, and should send a clear message to any democrat (or RINO) who has bought into the multiculturalism mentality. And before you go dismissing myself (or 67 percent of Americans, for that matter) as narrow-minded bigots, consider this: What is to be gained via the bulkanization of the American landscape? Does allowing immigrants to continue to be ignorant of our society, its langauge, and customs do them any real favors? Or does it only serve to keep them stupid, subservient and, in turn, democrat voters (the liberal version of "barefoot and pregnant")? I'm all for legal immigrants succeeding and living the American dream and promise. But that will never happen without the access to society that assimilation affords. Multiculturalism is just another in the long list of empty utopian promises designed to keep the masses stupid, dependent, and on the limousine liberal plantation. It's heartening to see that the vast majority of Americans are waking up to that fact.
Get with the melting pot
Poll shows huge majority want foreigners to integrate, learn English for citizenship
Posted: June 22, 2005
5:00 p.m. Eastern
© 2005
Two-thirds of Americans believe immigrants should integrate into the U.S. culture, according to a new poll.
The Rasmussen Reports survey found that just 17 percent believe immigrants should maintain the culture of their home country while 67 percent believe newcomers should "adopt America's culture, language, and heritage."