A challenger to Walz...
It appears, however that a breath of fresh air has appeared over the horizon:
Actually, Mr. Meyer, it isn't "too early" to criticize Walz' quintessentially defeatist demeanor and performance as a U.S. congressman. In fact, things are already reaching critical mass with the bozo.By RON LARSEN Journal Staff Writer
LAKE CRYSTAL — A Lake Crystal employee-benefits consultant, Mark Meyer, 53, is getting an early jump in exploring the possibility of running against the First District’s new congressman, Democrat Tim Walz.
Mark Meyer
Meyer announced Wednesday that he has formed a Meyer for Congress Exploratory Committee to “test the waters” for seeking the Republican nomination in 2008 to run against Walz. He said his early start wasn’t necessarily a record as Walz started his campaign “about the same time [in 2005].”
A native Nebraskan, Meyer has lived in Minnesota since 1978 and moved from the Twin Cities to Lake Crystal in 1994. Meyer who also is an actuary, attorney and farmer, currently is chairman of the Lake Crystal Wellcome Memorial School District Board.
While it is too early to critique Walz’ performance in Congress, Meyer said, “I am exploring the possibility of running for Congress to make sure that, come 2008, people have a real chance to choose a congressman that is the best fit for southern Minnesota.”
If he were in the Congress today, Meyer would support the president in his “surge” request because “after all, he is the Commander-in-Chief.”
Criticize away, my good man.