Friday, February 23, 2007

Did someone say, "Out of touch"?

Welcome to life in moonbat land:

“Most people, when they go to the pump cringe when they see the price of gas has gone up,” Lisa Workman, executive director of the Chamber of Commerce said. “I think people do care (about the price of gas) and they’re very sensitive to it. Whatever the price is, they have to pay it — you need gas to get to work. If you’re spending more on gas, it affects where you spend your money in other places. It’s going to cost more to get the groceries to the store, it really does touch everything.”

“It takes away disposable income for other parts of commerce,” Economic Improvement Commission Harold Stanislawski said. “That’s most troubling for those families who can least afford it. There’s only so much money to go around.”

Actually, I'm not talking about Lisa Workman, nor of Harold Stanislawski. They are in touch. No, dear readers, I'm talking about the likes of Jim Oberstar:
U.S. Rep. Jim Oberstar, D-Minnesota, warned lawmakers Tuesday that Minnesota risks losing $4.3 billion federal highway dollars if it doesn’t come up with matching funds; highway and bridge projects eligible for federal funding require at least a 20 percent state match. He urged state legislators to boost the gas tax, a move not made in Minnesota since 1988.
Oh.. and did I mention Dan Skougen:
“I think Oberstar is right on the money,” Dist. 10 Sen. Dan Skogen, DFL-Hewitt, said. “There’s more than $4 billion dollars on the table that will go to other states’ road projects if we don’t come up with matching funds. I think the climate is right.”
According to Hewitt, Minnesota's best and brightest, it would appear that the climate is right. After all,
“If we send the governor a clean request at 5 to 7 cents, I think he will support that,” Skogen said. “Prices at the pump have gone up in the last two weeks and no one seems to notice.”
WRONG, moonbat breath. Taxpayers do and will notice, asswipe.

Especially when the state's taxpayers are currently overtaxed to the tune of literally billions. Hell. It's been well-documented that the federal and state governments make even more than the oil companies on the sale of gasoline... and they don't lift a finger to produce it!

And these bozos think it's alright to raise taxes even more?

These dingbats couldn't be more out of touch if the Minnesota taxpayer was a piñata and they were swinging blindfolded from San Francisco.