The Puppet Show
Posted by Leo Pusateri at 6:40 PM |
Posted by Leo Pusateri at 12:03 AM |
2nd Amendment,
gun control,
Sandy Hook Elementary
“This is a great victory for the free speech rights of all North Carolinians, regardless of their point of view on reproductive freedom,” said Chris Brook, legal director of the ACLU-NCLF.
Brook said the government cannot create an avenue to express one side of a political issue while denying an equal opportunity to citizens with an opposing view.”
Posted by Leo Pusateri at 9:58 PM |
Posted by Leo Pusateri at 8:34 AM |
Posted by Leo Pusateri at 10:30 PM |
2012 Elections,
Barack Hussein Obama,
liberal road to hell,
Mitt Romney,
Tea Party News Network Issues Endorsement for President:None of the Above
Adopts Reagan Line In Approach to Romney Administration: 'Trust but Verify'
WASHINGTON D.C.- The Tea Party News Network (TPNN) today announced its editorial endorsement for the 2012 presidential race: None of the above."We have watched the candidates closely over the past year and are convinced that four more years of an Obama presidency would be disastrous for this country's economy and for the cause of small government," Todd Cefaratti, editor of the Tea Party News Network, said today. "We considered an endorsement of Governor Mitt Romney, but concluded that his record raises too many questions about the level of his commitment to conservative principles and limited government. The Tea Party has been burned too many times by Washington Politicians who promise change but don't deliver once elected. As the voice of Tea Party conservatives across America, we are not comfortable endorsing either major party candidate this year based solely upon hopeful rhetoric. Our approach echoes Ronald Reagan's advice on the Soviet Union: "Trust by verify.'""Unlike other media outlets that purport to defend the cause of the tea party, this organization is not going to fall in line behind any candidate simply because they call themselves a conservative," added Scottie Nell Hughes, a member of the editorial board and News Director of TPNN. "We have kept track of the promises made by both President Obama and Mitt Romney. Neither has yet convinced us that they truly will bring the kind of revolutionary changes to Washington that the Tea Party has demanded." Hughes took issue with the return of so-called 'Moderate Mitt' in the campaign's final weeks, a reversal of his stance during the primaries. "We saw what happened during the George W. Bush administration when Constitutional conservatism was confused with the interest of the Republican Party. They are not one and the same."While praising Romney for articulating the case for smaller government, the News Network also pointed to a number of issues that have raised "concern" about Romney's commitment to the Tea Party agenda. They include his movement away from across the board tax relief, recent refusal to stand behind comments to reform FEMA and return more control to local governments, and a top aides notorious "Etch-A-Sketch" comment in regard to Romney campaign promises. Romney's earlier record as Governor and as a political candidate also provided cause for viewing him with "ambivalence."Todd Cefaratti today said he understood that a vast majority of Tea Party members will vote for Romney as the best choice among the available alternatives. And he held out hope that the organization might endorse Romney in 2016. But he also vowed to release a list of Romney's campaign promises and to serve as "vigilant watchdog" of the Romney administration should it come into power. "Starting on day one of a Romney administration, as with the Obama administration, we'll be vigilant watchdogs for the Tea Party and for the conservatives across the country," he said.TPNN is launching its election day coverage on Tuesday with live streaming video. It will be focusing on national and statewide races involving Tea Party candidates with correspondents stationed on the ground with the Ted Cruz campaign in Texas, the Allen West campaign in Florida, Michele Bachmann in Minnesota, Mia Love in Utah, and others.The nationwide coverage, anchored from Las Vegas, will begin Tuesday, November 6, at 3 PM ET online at and continue late into the night.Partnering with the Talk Radio Network, TPNN election night coverage will be anchored by top talk radio host Rusty Humphries and TPNN News Director Scottie Nell Hughes. It will be live streamed on the Talk Radio Network and on over 350 Rusty Humphries Show affiliated radio stations nationwide. Coverage will feature exit poll results, returns as they come in, coverage and interviews from TPNN correspondents around the country, and exclusive live interviews with top candidates for national office.###About TPNN: The Tea Party News Network is the Tea Party's only trusted news source and the antidote to mainstream media bias. Working on behalf of neither candidate nor political party, we cover the stories other outlets ignore, hold politicians of both parties accountable for their promises, and pull no punches in our principled commentaries on the national scene. Our single motivation is to tell readers the truth about the Washington establishment, our elected officials, and the depth of their fidelity to constitutional principles.
Posted by Leo Pusateri at 10:17 PM |
2012 Elections,
Mitt Romney,
useful idiots
Posted by Leo Pusateri at 8:46 PM |
Wednesday Hero
Posted by Leo Pusateri at 8:42 PM |
Barack Hussein Obama,
liberal road to hell,
religion of pieces,
The Fifth Column,
War on Terror
Posted by Leo Pusateri at 8:03 PM |
Barney Frank,
Jim Graves,
liberal hypocrisy,
liberal road to hell,
limousine liberals,
Michele Bachmann
Posted by Leo Pusateri at 8:00 PM |
Barack Hussein Obama,
dhimmis in the news,
liberal road to hell,
religion of pieces,
The Fifth Column
Posted by Leo Pusateri at 8:36 PM |
Barack Hussein Obama,
liberal road to hell,
Obama Thug Tactics,
Obama uber alles,
RNC Convention blogging,
Posted by Leo Pusateri at 1:25 PM |
2012 Elections,
lying democrats,
stupid democrat tricks
NBC Stumbles Into PC Trap | Power Linewww.powerlineblog.comIs NBC raaaciiist? They’re getting hammered right now for the juxtaposition of their coverage of Gabby Douglas’s gold medal in gymnastics and a network spot promoting an upcoming NBC show. Couldn’t happen to a more deserving…
Posted by Leo Pusateri at 11:15 AM |
Al Sharpton,
Jesse Jackson,
liberal hypocrisy,
liberal projection,
media madness
Posted by Leo Pusateri at 1:14 PM |
Bush Tax Cuts,
Liberal Lies,
liberal road to hell,
Posted by Leo Pusateri at 11:28 AM |