The Puppet Show
Well, the dutiful bubble-headed talking heads on the Alphabets, like clockwork, are busily carrying the democrat water, spouting off about how gun control is now the best thing since sliced bread; that it was the gun that killed the children at Sandy Hook Elementary, not the finger attached to the perp that pulled the trigger.
The bodies are cold enough. Let the politicization begin.
I’m really tired of having public policy dictated by the emotion du jour instead of by clear-thinking minds, just so some idiot politician can beat his or her chest, and say “Look at me!! See what I did?? I care!!” not to mention the lamebrained kneejerk reactions by some politically correct company board rooms afraid of their own shadows, putting their ears to the ground, just so they could follow the latest mindless lemming stampede.
As David Axelrod said, “Never let a crisis go to waste.”
There’s nothing that the current statist government-uber-alles powers-that-be would love more than to have an unarmed populace of subjects, vs. an armed populace of citizens.Never mind that gun control in this country, no matter how strict, has NEVER worked. It has had the OPPOSITE effect.Never mind that criminals don’t give a flying copulatory act in a rolling pastry about gun laws.
Never mind that the only ones who will be disarmed are the law abiding citizens who would never otherwise visit harm upon their fellow man.
It’s all about EMOTION. Rationality, my friends, is over-rated.
What you are now witnessing is a textbook example of David Axelrod’s axiom in action; Big Government statists and willing media accomplices engaging in a coordinated “campaign of whispers” to whip the information-bereft Idiocracy into an unstoppable emotion-laden frenzy to do their bidding under the guise of “doing *something!*” little realizing (or simply not caring) that they are all too willing to give up freedom, for a false sense of security, only to be relieved of both.
The puppeteers are now licking their chops; joyously, triumphantly pulling emotion-laden strings, and the dutiful marionettes are happily, even if unwittingly dancing to their tune.
With their “Lord and Savior” Barack Obama at the helm, who even needs congress?
Lord knows these guys didn’t.