Thursday, February 08, 2007

Resistance is futile...You will be assimilated.

So it would seem, with Minnesota's resident RINO, Norm Coleman, parroting the dogma of the anthropomorphic "global warming" ruse, hook, line and sinker:

Now is time to address global warming

Sen. Norm Coleman
Guest Columnist

There’s much discussion these days about global climate change and its potentially far-reaching effects on our way of life. At the same time, there’s also been a change of climate in Washington, D.C. which promises to have far-reaching effects on our ability to confront and contain this growing threat.

Yeah... a change of climate in Washington... from principled conservative leadership to "stick your finger in the air" politics.
Now that global climate change has been brought to the forefront of Congress’ and the President’s agenda, we can finally move forward with finding smart solutions that won’t cost Americans their jobs. It is time to embrace real climate change solutions capable of breaking through the political logjam.

The more I see of Norm Coleman's behavior since this last election, the more I am convinced that he has become the consummate RINO; a political opportunist of the lowest order. His intellectual disingenuousness on this issue, as well as the Iraq issue, do nothing but cement my appraisal that there must be someone better to articulate and further the conservative message than Senator Norm Coleman. With regard to the "nonbinding" we-support-the-troops- and-unanimously-support-General-Patraeus- but-will-still-cut-off-the-whole-operation-at- the-knees-if-we-want-to- just-because-we-can resolution:

McConnell also wants to require 60 votes for any of the resolutions to pass.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nevada, has refused to accede to McConnell's demands and accused Republicans of trying to "stamp out" a debate and vote the White House does not want.

Five of the seven Republicans now threatening to attach the stalled language to other bills voted against moving ahead Monday, including Warner, Smith, Voinovich, Snowe and Hagel. Collins and Coleman sided with almost all of the Senate's Democrats in voting to consider the resolution.

Norm Coleman is fast becoming a disgrace on the order of Hagel and Chaffee. He deserves no quarter nor comfort from any conservative worth his or her salt.

Coleman is the Republicans' and his own worst enemy. His failure to advance conservatism during his tenure as U.S. Senator, and thus his failure to energize his base, will all but ensure a Franken win in 2008.

And he'll have no one but himself to blame.
