Friday, November 09, 2007

Regarding Dancing with the Devil...

With each expansion of the nanny state, comes an equal and proportional contraction of our freedoms:

This latest issue of banning Christ for Christmas arose at the Plant City Living Center in Plant City in--where else--Florida. The system moved in on an 85-year-old identified only as Mrs. Arnold. Mrs. Arnold was told that “federal law now prohibits her from displaying anything that references religion--words, decorations and the like--in the common area of her apartment building, a soulless, politically-correct-strapped HUD “facility”.

According to the center, HUD has issued a directive banning “any religious symbols or religious words associated with Christmas”, which effectively prevents the Mrs. Arnolds of Small Town, America from placing a small Christmas tree outside their humble doors if it contains any religious symbols or words--"even an angel”, as AFA said in a special alert asking for emails.

Why are nameless, well-paid bureaucrats allowed so much latitude designing laws that cannot help but demoralize little people?

The building at the heart of this latest controversy has about 40 one-bedroom apartments for seniors who are at least 62 years old.

If the residents want to have a Christmas party in their community room, they cannot call it a Christmas party. “The Center says HUD directs residents not to use the word ‘Christmas’ but to use the word ‘holiday’,” the AFA advisory said.

Some ‘holiday’ when it’s not cheered by any of your own long-held traditions!

Ladies and gentlemen, the State, when held up as god, is a jealous god, and it shall have no other gods before it.

Not even the Real One.

I find it all the more oxymoronic that people on the left who call themselves Christians, are so willing to sell their religious freedom to embrace the false promises and sour milk that flow from the golden calf that is the government teat.

In the absence of the acceptance of God, man himself attempts to fill the void to become that which he rejects.

With predictably disastrous consequences, I might add.

And unfortunately, those who choose to ignore history are bound and determined to drag the rest of us along on their path toward its insidious repetition.