Sunday, October 28, 2007

A message from the grave...

Dear Komrades, it is time once again to to cue the music!!

First it was Komrade Hillary promising $5,000 to every kid born in U.S.

Not to be outdone, Komrade Edwards the beloved ambulance-chaser and capitialist pig turned commie has another brilliant idea:

John Edwards says if he's elected president, he'll institute a New Deal-like suite of programs to fight poverty and stem growing wealth disparity. To do it, he said, he'll ask many Americans to make sacrifices, like paying higher taxes.

Edwards, a former Democratic senator from North Carolina, says the federal government should underwrite universal pre-kindergarten, create matching savings accounts for low-income people, mandate a minimum wage of $9.50 and provide a million new Section 8 housing vouchers for the poor. He also pledged to start a government-funded public higher education program called "College for Everyone."

"It is central to what I want to do as president to do something about economic inequality. I do not believe it is okay for the United States of America to have 37 million people living in poverty," he said in a meeting with Monitor reporters and editors this week. "And I think we need, desperately need, a president who will say that to America and call on Americans to show their character."

At every stop, Edwards said, he tells voters he'll ask them to sacrifice. Asked to describe what he means, he described his plan for increases in capital gains taxes, saying taxes on "wealth income" should be in line with those on work income.

"I think if we want to fund the things that I think are important to share in prosperity, then people who have done well in this country, including me, have more of a responsibility to give back," he said. Later, he added: "There are no free meals."

Komrades, these neo-socialists are better at spreading my ideology than those idiots Lenin and Stalin! The Democrat party is doing it without firing a shot!

To paraphrase self, "From each, according to his ability, to each according to his needs.."

To tell you truth, I didn't think that the people would buy that bolshevik back when I wrote it--it took millions of deaths in order to establish my system. But nowadays, with the use of some well-placed propaganda, the useful idiots in the media, nearly half of the proletariat looking for a free handout and willing to engage in class warfare, and-- shazaam!

And you don't even have to pull out toenails to make the media comply!

Well, Komrades... my break here in hell seems to be over. Time to stand on my head in that pile of cow manure again while listening to Rosie O'Donnell sing You are My Sunshine. But komrades Hillary and Edwards, know that I am very proud of you! And when you finally get here, you let me know how you did it, okay?

Hugs and kisses,

Your friend always,

Karl Marx.