Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Where is NOW?

A Muslim girl was murdered by her father, reportedly for her refusal to wear a hijab.

Where is the outrage in the streets from this woman's sisters at NOW? A perusal of their website denotes no outrage, not even a mention of this story, nor any other story of oppression and/or torture of women at the hands of male Muslim counterparts!

Oh, they're having a bloody cow over the reinstatement of Don Imus. But of course, calling someone a "nappy-headed ho" is a much more an egregious offense than strangling a girl to death, or mutilating her genitalia. They're lobbying Congress for "hate crime" legislation, but I'll bet not one word is said about the hate crimes that are perpetrated daily against their Muslim sisters.

Where are the demonstrations in the streets? Where are the hoardes at U.C. Berkeley who protested the supposed torture practiced by the CIA? (yes, I know that waterboarding is much more heinous than murder and beheading or lifelong subjugation of women)

Where is the outrage on the Left regarding the murder of Aqsa Parvez?

Could it be that there is no political gain or agenda to be advanced in demonstrating against Islamist atrocities? Could it be that the moonbat left has a problem pointing out that which may actually give credence to the reasons behind our war against radical Islam?

Could it be that the suffering of women isn't really important to them at all?

Could it be that there must be a political payoff before they'll demonstrate about anything? Or that any outrage that they do display is contrived and calculated to get the maximum political benefit?

Could. It. Be?