Saturday, September 15, 2007

Imagine Whirled Peas!

I was over at the venerable True-North inspired counter-protest at the State Capitol today. Here is a video of fellow-counter protester Jim, that I took and uploaded to You-Tube...

No, it's not going to win any emmy; but it's better than Yoko Ono.

Look for some more videos here, and here as well.

It was a great time, and I was fired up, to say the least.

Our whole counter protest started, appropriately, at Triangle Park under the First Minnesota Regiment Memorial; a memorial dedicated to the Minnesotans who sacrificed for victory in the Civil War:

Here is a picture of just a few of us after putting in a hard day's work "Takin' the Word to the Streets!"

I'll be downloading a few more vids (including some taken from Jamie Delton) and posting them here as time permits.

Among our ranks was the venerable Swiftee, who although opposed to invading Iraq in the first place, knows the mayhem that will result with a precipitous withdrawal. Here he has a conversation with one of the anti-war crowd. Note especially what he says toward the end of the video.

Dave Thul, a OIF vet who just recently returned from Iraq, was with us; and reiterated how important it was for the guys over there to know that there are those who believe in their mission and who give them their full measure of support!

Below is a short video of one of the inventive and creative signs that the other side carried:

Oh yes, BDS was alive and well.

And what would a protest march be without the regular cadre of truthers on hand?

Oh, as an aside, one of the frothing-at-the-mouth moonbats accused us of being paid operatives of the Republican Party.

I demand my check! :-)

Rest assured, we will be there to counter the moonbat idiocy during the Republican National Convention a year from now!