Thursday, June 19, 2008

Energy Policy Confrerence Call

I, along with Gary Gross, Ed Morrisey, Noel Sheppard, and other bloggers. were asked to participate in a conference call (broadcasted live on the Ed Morrisey Show) with U.S. Republican Representatives Michele Bachmann, Dr. Phil Gingry, Tom Price, Eric Cantor, Marsha Blackburn, and Adam Putnam.

Unlike the democrat majority, who are uttering the unbelievable Sierra Club meme that "We can't drill our way into energy independence," the Republican contingent in the U.S. House has a comprehensive plan that is designed to drill and otherwise make our way back into $2.00 per gallon gas.

According to our Republican representatives, we have the ability to extract 1.3 trillion barrels of oil from shale reserves; not to mention the millions of barrels of oil that we can extract from ANWR and the Continental Shelf.

They responded to criticisms leveled from the democrat side that if Nancy Pelosi was to bring a bill by July 4th, it still wouldn't be a fix , since it would take ten years to retrieve the supply.

But they explained there is a significant upward pressure in the prices due to the current market and conditions, with the knowledge that the U.S. won't pursue its own supplies. An opening of those resources will send a signal that we are going to join oil producing nations, and will send a message to speculators that will result in an immediate decrease on the upward pressure on prices.

(As an aside, by using that same logic, we would have today been enjoying the fruits of ANWR oil, had Bill Clinton not vetoed that legislation back in the mid 1990s.)

We've got the technology and the ability to explore in the deep waters off the coast and to do it in an environmentally safe way.

When the point was brought out to the Representatives of the fact that the majority party in congress is beholden to the interests of the extreme environmental lobby, they were nontheless optimistic that the democrats would eventually see the light and serve their larger constituencies.

Gary Gross has more on the call here.

During the conference call, the contingent of U.S. Representatives stated that they were honored to be communicating their policy to bloggers, and stated that bloggers were a driving force in the energy conversation; and that emails and letters come to their office from constituents who had read about the issues on blogs. Michele Bachmann stated that she is grateful to the blogosphere for the continual end-around that they perform around the agenda media in getting the facts out. Congressman Bachmann stated that she hoped to have similar events slated in the near future.

Truth be told, the democrats and the extreme environmentalist lobby are the only things standing in the way of our ability to move past economic stagflation and on toward the promise of true prosperity. The current condition of our economy and our current energy woes are inextricably linked, and blame for our sorry state of affairs can be placed directly at their feet.

We are in the midst of an increasing clamor in our nation over the undue pain caused by high fuel prices, and the extreme environmental lobby and their willing democrat (and RINO) accomplices will need to answer to an increasingly frustrated constituency; either now, or at the ballot box in November.