Monday, June 02, 2008

On the Day of Reckoning...

To whom will the democrats answer?

The "surge strategy" in Iraq, despite the wailing and gnashing of teeth on the left, is becoming an unqualified success.

To whom will Harry Reid answer, after declaring "The Iraq War is Lost?"

To whom will John Murtha answer, after falsely calling our soldiers cold blooded killers, labelling them "broken"?

To whom will Nancy Pelosi answer, after trying to attribute recent successes not to our men and women in uniform, not to the Iraqis, who are slowly but surely building a stable government from scratch, but to sworn enemies of the United States; Iran, specifically?

To whom will the democrat party (and their willing media accomplices) answer, after doing their level best at every level to sabotage our soldiers' efforts in Iraq in the court of public opinion, up to and including slander and out and out betrayal?

To whom will the democrat party answer?

The day of reckoning will be nigh, when people will realize the traitorous filth that resides in the democrat party.

And that day won't come a minute too soon.