The Maoists that Roared...

Is it really an overstatement to liken the current administration's philosophy to Chairman Mao Tse Tung?
I mean, it's not like these clowns weren't vetted properly... Oh, they were vetted, alright.
Remember, Obama comes from a radical left background. Saul Alinsky, Jeremiah Wright, Bill Ayers, and Bernadine Dohrn were more than just casual or accidental acquaintences. They were Barack Obama, and Barack Obama is them. So it was no accident that the Obama administration appointed the likes of Van Jones, Anita Dunn, Ron Bloom, and other radicals. As a matter of fact, those people were appointed on purpose; for the simple fact that they believe what Obama believes.
Secondly, is it really an overstatement to liken the current adminstration's philosophy and tactics to Mao? Is it really a stretch when Obama sends out his henchmen to single out and attack a media organ, and to encourage other more 'friendly' media organs to shun their brethren? And then himself goes on TV, and in an arrogant, smug, self-righteous manner applauds their efforts?
Is it really an overstatement to liken the current administration's philosophy and tactics to Mao, when Chairman Obama appoints a pay czar, who then takes great delight in dictating 90 percent pay cuts to CEOs of what should have been private businesses?
Can concentration camps be really that far behind?
Folks, how many more times must this administration walk, talk and quack like a Maoist before we realize that the resemblances are more than just a vague coincidence?