Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Putting lipstick on a pig...

Everything the democrats do is a political calculation; aimed not at bettering our nation, but rather at maintaining their tenuous grip on power.

Russ "I support the troops by making them surrender!" Feingold's measure to cut our soldiers off at the knees by March 31, 2008 failed in the U.S. Senate by a 67 to 29 margin, with no republicans voting for the bill, and 19 democrats voting with the Republicans.

The cowards couldn't even be up front with what they wanted to do, as the measure was couched in " unrelated water-projects bill."

Curiously enough, Donk Presidential wannabees Hillary and Obama voted FOR the measure.

My dear readers, given the original premise of this piece, I firmly believe this was no serendipitous measure casually slipped in by the ever-whacked out Russ Feingold.

This was orchestrated from the top.

This ex-lax move had all the markings of a coldly calculated ploy designed to accomplish a number of objectives.

The prime objective of this exercise, IMO, was to give the two main Donk presidential candidates cover with their whacko-left base; ostensibly by cutting our troops off at the knees.

For it is the whacko lefties who they will have to mollify if they expect to get the '08 nomination.

The second objective was to do so without leaving the entire party looking like a collection of jackass losers to moderate rank-and-file democrats and swing voters.

Time will tell if this was a successful ploy; but my guess is that anyone in the American electorate with an IQ surpassing a toaster should be able to see right through this sham.

You know, if the democrats choose to seek advantage by engaging in blatant political posturing with domestic agenda items, so be it.

That is politics.

But they are choosing to do so with policies that directly and deleteriously affect those making the sacrifice to serve in harm's way during wartime.

That, my dear readers, is treason.