Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Pawlenty sending out the big guns....

From here:
Moe to lead delegation to Norway to protest closing of consulate

Brothers Shemp and Curly Howard, both of whom were to join the delegation, were unavailable for comment.

A message from a those who kowtow to radical Islamist extremism...

Left here as a comment:
Media Legitimizes Islamic Extremists While Defaming Muslims

On October 29, 2007, Texas court held a hearing on TRO filed against Joe Kaufman. The next day the Internet was flooded with the following headlines:
"Islamic Groups Sues Joe Kaufman of Americans Against Hate"
"Islamic groups sue man who arranged protest"
"TRO Against Anti-Muslim Group Extended"
"TX Muslims Sue FL Islamophobe for Defamation"

We already addressed the "Anti-Muslim" and "Islamophobe" aspects earlier. There are other, more subtle, but also more dangerous issues with those headlines. We cannot stress enough how important it is to draw a distinction between moderate Muslims and Muslim extremists, between Islam and Islamism. However the aforementioned headlines and articles associated with them completely ignore that distinction and mislead their readers in the process.

The infamous Nazi rallies are never described as Christian events because most Christians are disgusted with the Nazis. However, when Islamofascist organizations put out their events, it seems to be universally acceptable to describe those events as Muslim or Islamic. Why such double-standards? Why does the media shun Christian extremists, but embraces Muslim extremists? Is there a hidden agenda or just complete ignorance?

Western Muslim community and Western media must address the following issues arising from ignoring the difference between Islam and Islamism:

1. Radical Muslims are legitimized as mainstream
2. Moderate Muslims are bunched together with the radicals, which gives credence to the notion that all Muslims are radicals and gives rise to Islamophobia

We ask everyone in the media:
- If you do not understand the difference between Islam and Islamism, stop providing your opinions on the subject
- If you do understand that difference, please make it clear every time you address the subject and call everything by its proper name

Some of the favorite media questions are "where are the moderate Muslims" and "why are they silent". Well, we are right here. It's you who don't want to hear what we have to say.

Video: Islam vs. Islamism

And I, for one, welcome your presence.

Perhaps you need a louder megaphone.

Mark Ritchie unethical? *UPDATED*

It seems so.

It couldn't happen to a nicer guy. Or a more non-partisan Secretary of State.

That is all.


Gary Gross pounds another nail.

Wednesday Hero Blogburst 10-31-07

Marine Lance Cpl. Nicholas R. Anderson
Marine Lance Cpl. Nicholas R. Anderson
21 years old from Sauk City, Wisconsin
1st Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment, 3rd Marine Division, III Marine Expeditionary Force
March 13, 2006

Lance Cpl. Nicholas Anderson lost his life after the Humvee he was riding in rolled over as a group of Marines pursued a suspicious vehicle near Jalalabad, Afghanistan. He suffered head injuries in the crash and died as he was being transported to a hospital.

Nicholas Anderson joined the Marines in January 2005 and began a six-month tour of Afghanistan two months ago with the 3rd Marines Weapons Platoon, his father, James Anderson said.

"I just know that he died fighting for what he believed in," he said. "He wanted to be a Marine and even though it was a major risk he just wanted to go."

James Anderson said his son, a 2003 Sauk Prairie High School graduate, enjoyed riding his motorcycle, lifting weights, going fishing and hanging out with friends.

He joined the Wisconsin Army National Guard when he was 18, but an injured shoulder forced him to drop out. He then enlisted in the Marines.

"I was very nervous when he first joined the Marines because two words jumped into my head: Afghanistan and Iraq," his father said. "I just supported him and prayed that it would end before he had to go over."

These brave men and women sacrifice so much in their lives so that others may enjoy the freedoms we get to enjoy everyday. For that, I am proud to call them Hero.
We Should Not Only Mourn These Men And Women Who Died, We Should Also Thank God That Such People Lived

This post is part of the Wednesday Hero Blogroll. For more information about Wednesday Hero, or if you would like to post it on your blog, you can go here.

Now Here's Justice!!!

The Westboro Baptist Church--the one that has been protesting at military funerals, and cheering at the deaths of soldiers, has taken it in the shorts:

BALTIMORE — The father of a fallen Marine was awarded nearly $11 million Wednesday in damages by a jury that found leaders of a fundamentalist church had invaded the family's privacy and inflicted emotional distress when they picketed the Marine's funeral.

The jury first awarded $2.9 million in compensatory damages. It returned later in the afternoon with its decision to award $6 million in punitive damages for invasion of privacy and $2 million for causing emotional distress to the Marine's father, Albert Snyder of York, Pa.

Snyder sued the Kansas-based Westboro Baptist Church for unspecified monetary damages after members staged a demonstration at the March 2006 funeral of his son, Lance Cpl. Matthew Snyder, who was killed in Iraq.

This, however, does not put a damper on their plans to remain complete assholes:

The defense said it planned to appeal and one of the church's leaders, Shirley Phelps-Roper, said the members would continue their pickets of military funerals.

Good... I'm sure there are a lot more military families whose sons made the supreme sacrifice that can use the money.
Before the jury began deliberating the size of punitive damages, U.S. District Judge Richard Bennett noted the size of the compensatory award "far exceeds the net worth of the defendants," according to financial statements filed with the court.

Do you hear that sound, Fred Phelps?

It's the sound of God looking down from Heaven and telling you, "Get the hell off my side, asshat!"

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Squirm, Murtha, Squirm...

...Political inferno (h/t the Trammps), as in day of reckoning for "Jack the Jihad Hack."

From Roll Call via NRCC:
A defamation lawsuit against Rep. John Murtha (D-Pa.) over his comments about unnamed Marines involved in the Haditha incident in Iraq continued to move forward last week despite his lawyer's attempts to quash it.

Marine Staff Sgt. Frank Wuterich sued Murtha in August 2006, alleging that Murtha "publicly and falsely accused" the Marines of "cold-blooded murder and war crimes" without facts to support that claim.

Murtha has until Nov. 5 to produce documents requested by Wuterich's lawyer Mark Zaid. Zaid has made 24 documents, including materials having to do with conversations Murtha had with military officials and staff regarding the Haditha incident, his campaign activities with regards to comments he made about Haditha, and Murtha's schedule between March 1 and Aug. 10, 2006.

At a status hearing Thursday, Assistant U.S. Attorney Darrell Valdez, representing Murtha on behalf of the Justice Department, was issued a notice of deposition for Murtha on Nov. 27.

Murtha's office did not respond to requests for comment.
Hmmm... Surprising. NOT. But wait a minute, the fun and laughter continues:
Murtha's lawyers have argued that his actions fit under the purview of his official duties. If the district court or the D.C. appeals court finds that Murtha was acting in his official capacity when he made the Haditha comments, the U.S. government would be substituted for Murtha as a defendant, which would mean the case would essentially be finished because the United States cannot be sued for libel or slander. If Murtha's lawyers try to appeal the case, they will have to move to stay discovery and the deposition, or they'll be in contempt of court for ignoring Collyer's order, according to Zaid.
Hey, Jihad Jack, you say you were a Marine at one time.  How about doing the honorable thing for once and tell the truth that the House Majority Leader's office looked just so inviting that that your big fat mouth (which, incidentally is a dead ringer for your "big phat backside") just had a mind of its own when it went and prattled that Marines in Haditha "lost it" and murdered innocent civilians in cold blood.  And then went on to flat out lie that there was no firefight-- just a bunch of friendly civilians minding their own business.  Feh.

But I suppose you left your Honor as a Marine in the geographical area south of your waistline where your brains reside, didn't you?  And now you cut and run from your responsibility to admit the truth, by trying to hide behind a legal loophole that you were only performing your official duties when you decided to play judge, jury and executioner and slander a group of Marines whose only "crime" was to execute their duties in a manner totally befitting the honor of their orders, their rules of engagement, and their Corps. 

Jack P. Murtha--know this:  You can try to cut and run behind a loophole to save your sorry arse.  But in the end you'll never be able to cut and run from the truth, nor from your Creator. 

Sooner or later, justice will prevail.

A message to Muslims...from a Muslim...

This comment was left on one of my earlier posts. Thought it was worth sharing:
Islamists Attempt to Quash Free Speech that Unmasks their Radical Agenda

On October 14, 2007 Joe Kaufman, a chairman of American Against Hate, organized a protest against the Islamic Circle of North America. ICNA has well documented ties to Hamas and Muslim Brotherhood and should really be called the ISLAMIST Circle of North America, especially, since it openly advocates for establishment of Sharia in the United States.

During the protest, Mr. Kaufman was served with temporary restraining order filed by Islamic Society of Arlington, Al Hedayah Islamic Center, Dar Elsalam Islamic Center, DFW Islamic Educational Center, Inc., Islamic Association of Tarrant County, Islamic Center of Irving, and Muslim American Society of Dallas.

The TRO restraints Joe Kaufman from the following:

- Threatening Plaintiffs in person, by telephone, or in writing to take unlawful action against any person, intending by this action to annoy or alarm Plaintiffs.
- Intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly causing bodily injury to Plaintiffs or Plaintiffs' associates or members.
- Threatening Plaintiffs or Plaintiffs' associates or members with imminent bodily injury.
- Inciting violence against Plaintiffs, their members or associates.

The Plaintiffs claim that Mr. Kaufman "operates a website ... that tries to foment hate and anger against law abiding United States citizens who practice their religion (Islam) freely as guaranteed by the United States Constitution. ... He wishes to stir up anger, resentment, bias, and hatred of peaceful, law abiding citizens, solely because of their religion. To this end, Defendant Kaufman organizes protests of all things Islamic, attempting to paint them in one broad swath as being allied with Hamas, Al Qaeda, and terrorists. ... To this end, Defendant has painted the Plaintiffs as terrorists."

Several members of Muslims Against Sharia went through multiple statements posted on Mr. Kaufman's website, We have not found a single instance of Islam-bashing or Muslim-bashing that the Plaintiffs are complaining about. However, we found plenty of information that link ICNA and Muslim American Society (MAS) to Islamist groups both at home and abroad.

This is a despicable act of American Islamist establishment (which IS associated with terrorists) to quash any attempt to unmask its extremist agenda.

Muslims Against Sharia call on every American Muslim to condemn Islamism in general and Plaintiffs in particular and voice their support for Mr. Kaufman.

Original post

Monday, October 29, 2007

Clinton, Inc., Uncensored--the Video...

Grab a tub of popcorn..

It's over 13 minutes long, but well worth the view:

From Vince Foster, to Ron Brown, to the Travel Office Firings, to the Cattle Futures, to Peter Paul; sorry--too many shady dealings to be dismissed as chance.

Folks-- this woman is scary.

I wonder if they serve OJ at the State Pen?

It would appear that a third guy in the OJ Simpson kerfuffle will plead guilty and turn states evidence against America's favorite murderer.

In brief comments outside the courtroom, McClinton's lawyer, William Terry, confirmed that McClinton can testify Simpson asked him to bring two guns when they went to the hotel room at the Palace Station casino.

"There's no reason to dispute that," Terry said.

Heh. I wonder if they'll come up for a rhyme for him this time... I can just see it now...

OJ: "Hey... My man Johnny Cochrane come up with some pretty def rhymes to get me off lass time! Hey-- I got one-- Hows bout, "If I didn't have the guns, you must let me go."

Atty: "Err... OJ... that didn't rhyme..."

OJ: " bad."

Of Public Policy and Fairy Tales...

I recently heard that Governor Pawlenty will meet up with the esteemed explorer Will Steeger on an excursion to the Arctic Circle this spring, to engage in a "global warming" fact finding mission (h/t AAA). Steeger reportedly plans to explore the Arctic as a means to prove that the actions of the human race are having a detrimental effect on the earth's climate.

If Governor Pawlenty and Mr. Steeger would have checked, they may have found out that someone already performed that mission:

"A considerable change of climate inexplicable at present to us must have taken place in the Circumpolar Regions, by which the severity of the cold that has for centuries past enclosed the seas in the high northern latitudes in an impenetrable barrier of ice has been, during the last two years, greatly abated."

"2000 square leagues of ice with which the Greenland Seas between the latitudes of 74° and 80°N have been hitherto covered, has in the last two years entirely disappeared."

"The floods which have the whole summer inundated all those parts of Germany where rivers have their sources in snowy mountains, afford ample proof that new sources of warmth have been opened ..."

Yes, someone had already noted this problem with global warming. The Royal Society, London. Nov. 20, 1817; Minutes of Council, Vol. 8. pp.149-153, to be exact.

Well before the age of industrialization; well before the age of the internal combustion engine, there has been global warming. And global cooling. And there will continue to be periods of global warming, and global cooling, as long as there will be a planet earth. To be so audacious as to say that the actions of man have an impact on global warming, or any kind of climate change that has been happening independently of man since time immemorial is the stuff of fairy tales.

Now, I have nothing against fairy tales. I used to tell them to my kids all the time.

But when fairy tales become the basis for public policy as a means to forward socialism, that's where Governor Pawlenty, Mr. Steeger, and myself must part ways.

To put it in fairy tale terms, The Emperor Has No Clothes.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

A message from the grave...

Dear Komrades, it is time once again to to cue the music!!

First it was Komrade Hillary promising $5,000 to every kid born in U.S.

Not to be outdone, Komrade Edwards the beloved ambulance-chaser and capitialist pig turned commie has another brilliant idea:

John Edwards says if he's elected president, he'll institute a New Deal-like suite of programs to fight poverty and stem growing wealth disparity. To do it, he said, he'll ask many Americans to make sacrifices, like paying higher taxes.

Edwards, a former Democratic senator from North Carolina, says the federal government should underwrite universal pre-kindergarten, create matching savings accounts for low-income people, mandate a minimum wage of $9.50 and provide a million new Section 8 housing vouchers for the poor. He also pledged to start a government-funded public higher education program called "College for Everyone."

"It is central to what I want to do as president to do something about economic inequality. I do not believe it is okay for the United States of America to have 37 million people living in poverty," he said in a meeting with Monitor reporters and editors this week. "And I think we need, desperately need, a president who will say that to America and call on Americans to show their character."

At every stop, Edwards said, he tells voters he'll ask them to sacrifice. Asked to describe what he means, he described his plan for increases in capital gains taxes, saying taxes on "wealth income" should be in line with those on work income.

"I think if we want to fund the things that I think are important to share in prosperity, then people who have done well in this country, including me, have more of a responsibility to give back," he said. Later, he added: "There are no free meals."

Komrades, these neo-socialists are better at spreading my ideology than those idiots Lenin and Stalin! The Democrat party is doing it without firing a shot!

To paraphrase self, "From each, according to his ability, to each according to his needs.."

To tell you truth, I didn't think that the people would buy that bolshevik back when I wrote it--it took millions of deaths in order to establish my system. But nowadays, with the use of some well-placed propaganda, the useful idiots in the media, nearly half of the proletariat looking for a free handout and willing to engage in class warfare, and-- shazaam!

And you don't even have to pull out toenails to make the media comply!

Well, Komrades... my break here in hell seems to be over. Time to stand on my head in that pile of cow manure again while listening to Rosie O'Donnell sing You are My Sunshine. But komrades Hillary and Edwards, know that I am very proud of you! And when you finally get here, you let me know how you did it, okay?

Hugs and kisses,

Your friend always,

Karl Marx.

Friday, October 26, 2007

First Crosses at this...

One complaint has resulted in the banning of all flag folding recitations in all National Cemeteries!
RIVERSIDE,California - Complaints about religious content have led to a ban on flag-folding recitations by Veterans Administration employees and volunteers at all 125 national cemeteries. It all started because of one complaint about the ceremony at Riverside National Cemetery in California.

During thousands of military burials, the volunteers have folded the American flag 13 times and recited the significance of every fold to survivors. For example, the 12th fold glorifies "God the Father, the Son and Holy Ghost."

The complaint revolved around the narration in the 11th fold, which celebrates Jewish war veterans and "glorifies the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob."

The National Cemetery Administration decided to ban the entire recital at all national cemeteries. Details of the complaint weren't disclosed.

Administration spokesman Mike Nacincik said the new policy outlined in a Sept. 27 memorandum is aimed at creating uniform services throughout the military graveyard system. He said the 13-fold recital is not part of the U.S. Flag Code and is not government-approved.

Veterans and honor detail volunteers, including Bobby Castillo, 85, and Rees Lloyd, 59, are furious. "That the actions of one disgruntled, whining, narcissistic and intolerant individual is preventing veterans from getting the honors they deserve is truly an outrage," Lloyd said. "This is another attempt by secularist fanatics to cleanse any reference to God."

World War II Navy veteran Castillo said it's "a slap in the face to every veteran."

"When we got back from the war, we didn't ask for a whole lot," Castillo said. "We just want to give our veterans the respect they deserve. No one has ever complained to us about it. I just don't understand."

Lloyd and Castillo are part of a 16-member detail that has performed military honors at more than 1,400 services. They were preparing to read the flag-folding remarks at the Riverside cemetery when graveyard staff members stopped them.

The Secular Taliban is all but assuring that any vestige of our Judeo-Christian heritage is banished, even if they have to desecrate the dignity of military burials in order to do it!

This must not, can not, and will not stand!

I urge all readers of faith and conscience to contact the White House and their legislators to reverse this wrong-headed decision!

The Golden Compass--A Warning!

THE GOLDEN COMPASS, a new movie targeted at children, will be released December 7, 2007. This movie is based on a the first book of a trilogy by atheist Philip Pullman. In the final book a boy and girl kill God so they can do as they please. Pullman left little doubt about his intentions when he said in a 2003 interview that "My books are about killing God."

The movie is a watered down version of the first book and is designed to be very attractive in the hope unsuspecting parents will take their children to see the the movie and that the children will want the books for Christmas.

The movie has a well known cast, including Nicole Kidman, Kevin Bacon, and Sam Elliott. It will probably be advertised extensively, so it is crucial that we get the word out to warn parents to avoid this movie.

You can research this for yourself. Start with this article on, then go to Google.

This will be a movie on my "Do Not See" list.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

The Art Bell Generation?

I'm certainly part of it:

WASHINGTON - It was bad enough when the TV and lights inexplicably flicked on at night, Misty Conrad says.

When her daughter began talking to an unseen girl named Nicole and neighbours said children had been murdered in the house, it was time to move.

Put Conrad, a homemaker is firmly in the camp of the 34 per cent of Americans who say they believe in ghosts in a pre-Halloween poll by The Associated Press and Ipsos. That is the same proportion who believe in unidentified flying objects - exceeding the 19 per cent who accept the existence of spells or witchcraft.

Forty-eight per cent believe in extrasensory perception, or ESP.

To put the roughly one-third who believe in ghosts and UFOs in perspective, it is about the same as, in recent AP-Ipsos polls, the 36 per cent who said they are baseball fans; the 37 per cent who said the United States made the right decision to invade Iraq and the 31 per cent who approve of the job President George W.Bush is doing.

...yet a whole lot more than those 11 percent who believe that Congress is doing a good job.

But I digress.

Back to the subject at hand, I have had experiences with both (UFOs and ghosts); so yeah--go ahead and count me in with the kooks :-)

Rabies on the Rise in Minnesota?

From a communication via the MN Dept. of Health...
Sent: Thursday, October 25, 2007 12:22 PM
To: Barbara Bishop
Subject: Minnesota Department of Health Eliminating Health Disparities Initiative Grantees 2006-2007 Update

Time-sensitive : Rabies death (#22485)

Oct 23, 2007 1:56:48 PM

Time-sensitive:Rabies death
Forward this information on to healthcare providers, clinics, and hospitals in your jurisdiction.

Minnesota's second case of human rabies in seven years has prompted state health officials to remind Minnesota residents to seek immediate medical attention if they have had contact with a bat. A man in his 40s who was exposed to a bat in north-central Minnesota in mid-August died Saturday, Oct. 20, the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) reported today.

Officials at MDH believe the man was infected with the rabies virus after being bitten by a bat sometime in mid-August; although he reportedly felt a "needle-prick," he did not believe he was bitten because no blood was drawn. He did not seek medical care immediately following the incident.

The diagnosis of rabies was confirmed Thursday, Oct. 18, based on testing done by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in Atlanta.

MDH is working with several health care facilities where the man was given care to evaluate whether any health care workers may have been exposed to his saliva and need prophylaxis to prevent rabies infection.

Rabies in humans is rare in the U.S., with only one to three cases reported each year. The CDC confirmed three human cases in 2006.

Only four other cases have been reported in Minnesota during the past century. Previous cases occurred in 1917, 1964, 1975, and 2000; all were fatal.

"Two deaths in seven years is too many," said Ruth Lynfield, State Epidemiologist and Medical Director for Infectious Disease at MDH. "What is most saddening about these deaths is that they could have been prevented with prompt medical attention following exposure."

The number of rabies-related human deaths in the U.S. has declined from more than 100 annually in the early 1900's to one to three per year more recently. Modern day prophylaxis has proven nearly 100 percent effective at preventing the disease. However, treatment must be started before symptoms of rabies appear; once a person develops symptoms, the illness is almost always fatal.

This most recent Minnesota case underscores the importance of seeking prompt medical attention if you are bitten by or may have been exposed to an animal that could be infected with rabies, according to MDH officials.

Bat exposures pose a special problem because bat bites are difficult to see and may not be noticed. If you have any physical contact with a bat, the bat should be captured and tested for rabies and medical advice should be sought. Additionally, if a bat is found in a room with an unattended child, a sleeping person, or anyone who cannot reliably communicate what happened, the bat should be captured and tested for rabies. Most recent cases of rabies in humans in the U.S. have been due to bat bites that were not recognized or reported.

People who may have been exposed to the rabies virus are given an injection of rabies immune globulin, and five doses of rabies vaccine, given over a one-month period. Treatment is unnecessary if the suspect animal can be captured, tested, and found to be free of the virus. In the case of dogs, cats or ferrets, treatment can often be avoided if the animal is held for observation, and remains healthy for 10 days following the bite.

Dr. Joni Scheftel, State Public Health Veterinarian, is also reminding people that they should get their household pets immunized against rabies. Rabies shots are available for dogs, cats and ferrets.

People with concerns about possible exposure to rabies, or questions about the disease, can call MDH at (651) 201-5414 during normal business hours.

Mitchell Davis, Jr., Director
Office of Minority and Multicultural Health
MN Department of Health
625 N. Robert Street
St. Paul MN 55164-0975
(P) 651.201.5818
(F) 651.201.4986

The Clock Is Ticking Away...

And with it, the prospect of a permanently tax-free internet.

Obama's Patriotism

Or lack thereof (click for video).

From his refusal to wear the flag on his lapel, to his refusal to display the proper respect for our National Anthem in the presence of the United States Flag, Obama's contempt for America, all for which it stands, and for those who made the ultimate sacrifice for the freedoms he enjoys, are proof positive that he is unfit to bear its standard.

Even if he "forgot" to show the proper respect, his "forgetfulness" is illustrative of his priorities; and is likewise illustrative of his contempt toward those who before him have made the ultimate sacrifice so that he and other ungrateful, smug, self-centered adolescent rubes can ramble on about how displaying love and respect for one's country mean nothing. After all--he didn't have to pay for his freedoms.

I guess it may be a natural tendency not to appreciate that for which one has not lifted a finger to obtain.

But I would have hoped that as an adult, Obama would have the ability to rise above the self-centered and self-serving, and show some appreciation for what others have given.

I guess that's just too much to ask.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Yet another "phony soldier"? (**Updated**)

lt seems that yet another toast of the left, New Republic's Scott Beauchamp (a/k/a "Baghdad Diarist"), whose tales of malfiesance of our brave men and women in Iraq have become the stuff of propaganda by leftists and terrorists alike, has been proven to be a fraud:

Drudge has the story.

According to a July article in the WaPo:
The New Republic's anonymous "Baghdad Diarist" identified himself yesterday as Scott Thomas Beauchamp, an Army private in Iraq, and disputed as "maddening" accusations that he had invented his accounts of cruelty by American soldiers.
Curiously, Beauchamp's articles are missing, and you can hear crickets chirp at the TNR website.

What is "maddening" is that the charade has been allowed to continue without a peep from the leftist elements at The New Republic, who didn't think twice about publishing false tripe that fit their "soldiers as baby killers" template.

Should I hold my breath for some retractions?

How bout an apology?

I didn't think so.


James Robbins at NRO has more.

Video Wednesday Continues...

With this one that shows what could happen if your mother used meth while you were in utero:

At any rate, perhaps they could get a job here:

Falling America...

A video performed by an internet acquaintance of mine with more God-given talent than one can shake a stick at:

Here's another of Randy's compositions, set to a puppet show, entitled, "Captivity"

Why I'm a Republican...

And why our current Republican elected officials would do well to remember what it means...Pay special attention to the first guy.

Wednesday Hero Blogburst 10-24-2007

This Week's Hero Was Suggested By Cindy

Lt. Michael P. Murphy
Lt. Michael P. Murphy
29 years old from Patchogue, New York
SEAL Delivery Vehicle Team 1
June 28, 2005

On Monday, Lt. Michael P. Murphy was posthumously awarded the Medal Of Honor. His father was the one who accepted the award. Lt. Murphy will receive the award for his extraordinary, selfless heroism and steadfast courage while leading a four-man, special reconnaissance mission deep behind enemy lines east of Asadabad in the Hindu Kush of Afghanistan June 27 to 28, 2005

"We are thrilled by the President's announcement today, especially because there is now a public recognition of what we knew all along about Michael's loyalty, devotion and sacrifice to his friends, family, country, and especially his SEAL teammates," the Murphy family said in a statement released earlier in the month. "The honor is not just about Michael, it is about his teammates and those who lost their lives that same day."

Murphy was the officer-in-charge of the SEAL element, which was tasked with locating a high- level Taliban militia leader to provide intelligence for a follow-on mission to capture or destroy the local leadership and disrupt enemy activity. Taliban sympathizers discovered the SEAL unit and immediately revealed their position to Taliban fighters. The element was besieged on a mountaintop by scores of enemy fighters. The firefight that ensued pushed the element farther into enemy territory and left all four SEALs wounded. The SEALs fought with everything they had. despite being at a tactical disadvantage and outnumbered more than four to one. Understanding the gravity of the situation and his responsibility to his men, Murphy, already wounded, deliberately and unhesitatingly moved from cover into the open where he took and returned fire while transmitting a call for help for his beleaguered teammates. Shot through the back while radioing for help, Murphy completed his transmission while returning fire. The call ultimately led to the rescue of one severely wounded team member, Hospital Corpsman 2nd Class Marcus Luttrell, and the recovery of the remains of Murphy and Gunner’s Mate 2nd Class (SEAL) Danny Dietz and Sonar Technician 2nd Class (SEAL) Matthew Axelson.

Eight more SEALs and eight Army "Nightstalker" special operations personnel comprising the initial reinforcement also lost their lives when their helicopter was shot down before they could engage the enemy.

Murphy was also inducted into the Hall of Heroes at the Pentagon during a ceremony yesterday. His name was engraved beside the names of some 3,400 other service members who have also been awarded the nation’s highest honor.

These brave men and women sacrifice so much in their lives so that others may enjoy the freedoms we get to enjoy everyday. For that, I am proud to call them Hero.
We Should Not Only Mourn These Men And Women Who Died, We Should Also Thank God That Such People Lived

This post is part of the Wednesday Hero Blogroll. For more information about Wednesday Hero, or if you would like to post it on your blog, you can go here.

"Nightmare Act" Goes Down in Flames... Coleman continues to disappoint

The movement to bring the Dream Act to cloture failed in the Senate today!

While this is certainly good news, it comes with no thanks to our resident RINO, Norm Coleman; who along with RINO luminaries Richard Lugar, Olympia Snowe, Susan Collins, and Chuck Hagel voted to keep alive the measure that would fund the college education of illegal immigrants on the backs of the taxpaying public.

Which begs the question: What is it with Norm Coleman?

Does he really expect the support of the base of his party, when he continually acts in a manner that frustrates it? Does he think he can continue to count on those who campaigned tirelessly on his behalf in 2002, when he continually acts in manners devoid of reason, not to mention conservative principles?

The man has gone native.

There is no other explanation.

More news from Iraq that the Agenda Media won't Report

From a correspondent to a good friend of mine...

From: Ssgt Greg S....... on active duty in Iraq I have never seen the media report on all the countries that are her in Iraq right now as part of our coalition in the war on the terrorists. (Note: I am going to say "terrorists" rather than "insurgents" because the evidence shows that now that the Sunnis have come over to side with the U.S./Coalition; it is Al-Qaeda-in-Iraq and the Al Qaeda backed cells of thugs, gangsters and organized criminals that made up the terroists we are fighting.) Who are the countries here? Albania, Armenia, Australia, Azerbaijan, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Britain, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, El Salvador, Estonia, Georgia,Kazakshstan, Macedonia, Moldova, Mongolia, Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Slovenia, and Uganda. Speaking of the Sunni change-of-heart: In a major reconciliatory gesture, a leader from Iraq's largest Shiite party has paid a rare visit to the Sunnu Anbar Province, delivering a message of unity to tribal sheiks who now back the U.S. and who have staged a revolt against Al Qaeda militants .Ammar al-Hakim struck a note if national unity in Anbar, where a tribal revolt against Al Qaeda has significantly reduced violence in the vast province and inspired similar anti-Al-Qaeda uprisings elsewhere in central Iraq and Baghdad SSGT Greg S....... United States Air Force Balad, Iraq ****************************************************************************************************
*** Things I am seeing here that you won't get on the news back home: Working with our route clearance teams to sweep the roads for IED's. A few days ago a route clearance team was working hand-in-hand with the Iraqi Army to clear a road. As the road was being cleared, hundreds...yes hundreds of Iraqi citizens came out of their homes to join the Iraqi Army on the road to protect it after it was being cleared. 3 A,M. on a road in the middle of nowhere, and I watch an Iraqi Tribal Security team manning a checkpoint and aggressively patrolling the road, exposed, easy targets. That's guts. Now that the Sunni have come over to our side, it's no longer accurate to characterize this as an insurgency. This is Al Qaeda and terrorists that we are fighting, One sure way to tell is the Sunni that Al Qaeda are killing now that the Sunni work with us. Two weeks ago Al Qaeda suicide bombed a Sunni meeting, killing a three month old baby. They shot a Sunni in the chest, tied his still alive four month old baby to his leg, and threw them both in the river. This is the kind of barbaric terrorism we are fighting, and this is the kind of courage that the Iraqi people are displaying in this fight. And this is just the good stuff I am allowed to tell you about. When it comes to a fight against terrorism, give me one Iraqi over 100 left wing Oak Park liberals any day. If anyone asks, we are still winning this war and we could wrap things up a lot sooner if the Democrats would stop trying to figure out a way to surrender and just let us win. Please feel free to share.

SSgt Greg S....... Fighting Terrorism in Iraq to Protect America

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Some pics from St. Louis...

As I posted last week, I went on a jaunt to St. Louis to visit my sister. One of the things that I had a chance to visit was the St. Louis Arch.

Now I gotta admit, after growing up in Chicago, amidst some of the tallest buildings on the planet, I didn't think I'd be impressed.

But after seeing this structure up close and personal, I was nothing less than awestruck.

These pictures probably don't do it justice, but I think they nonetheless convey the idea:

"Dream Act" up for Cloture tomorrow in the Senate! reports that Senator Harry Reid plans a vote for cloture on the amnesty-laden "Dream Act," this despite the overwhelming opposition by U.S. citizens to the bill.
Now, Durbin and Reid are pushing the Dream Amnesty Act straight to the Senate floor as a stand-alone bill -- S. 2205 -- despite overwhelming grassroots opposition!

But to rush the bill directly to the floor, they must pass a "cloture" vote first.

Go here to send faxes to Harry Reid, Dick Durbin, and others who want to utilize taxpayer monies to support illegal immigration.

Since Norm Coleman as of late appears to unfailingly vote with the prevailng winds, the time is now to let him know in no uncertain terms that a vote for the Dream Act or any other pro-illegal immigration measure will be a nail in his political coffin.

From a Grassfire email I received:

We simply must shut down the switchboards today and tomorrow. Every Senator needs to get thousands of calls. Please call your two Senators today and tomorrow, as well as these key senators:

Sen. Coleman 202-224-5641

Sen. Klobuchar 202-224-3244

Key Senators:

Durbin (Asst. Maj. Leader) -- 202-224-2152

Reid (Maj. Leader)-- 202-224-3542

Shelby (AL)-- 202-224-5744

Hagel (co-sponsor) 202-224-4224

Lugar (co-sponsor) 202-224-4814

Brownback (KS) 202-224-6521

Grassley (IA) 202-224-3744

Lott (MS) 202-224-6253

Cochran (MS) 202-224-5054

Hutchison (TX) 202-224-5922

Byrd (WV) 202-224-3954

Our staff has compiled a list of all the Senators who currently have "no position" on this bill. Go here:

The time is now to inform our elected representatives that the voters will not stand for the continual and unceasing attempts to cram unwanted mandates and legislation down the throats of taxpayers!

Monday, October 22, 2007

Assholes of the World...

A great compendium of anal-compatible personalities, past and present.

(h/t Heavy Handed)

The Minnesota DFL's "Shadow Government"

Just how many legislative sessions does it take in a year to operate the State of Minnesota?

The prevailing wisdom should rightfully say "one."

But not when the DFL is running the show:
Since the end of the regular legislative session in May, about 100 commission, committee, subcommittee, and working group hearings have taken place.

The pace continues through October — two hearings are scheduled on Halloween.

Through the month of December, the House committee schedule currently has the number of hearings over the interim, held and planned, at more than 130.

But that number will almost certainly climb, perhaps steeply, as more hearings are sprinkled into the months of November and December.

And the 2008 regular legislative session doesn’t start until February.


But the pace of the schedule is much, much brisker than seen two years ago when Republicans controlled the House.

After the close of the exhausting special session in July of 2005, the House calendar shows just some 30-odd hearings took place through December of that year.

The disparity between the two schedules has not been missed by House Republicans.

Rep. Chris DeLaForest, R-Andover, lead Republican on the House State Government Finance Committee, warned Gov. Tim Pawlenty last spring, he said, that the bills coming through the committee contained many commissions and subcommittees.

Shadow Legislature

“I said, ‘We are on the verge, here, of setting up a shadow Legislature that operates when the actual Legislature is in recess,’” DeLaForest reported. “And that’s exactly what’s happened,” he said.

House Minority Leader Marty Seifert, R-Marshall, sees more behind the schedule than necessity.

“They just can’t help themselves — they’re (Democrats) drunk with power,” he said.

Seifert questions the extensive use of subcommittees and working groups, saying when the regular session begins the full committees will have no more information for legislative purposes than if the smaller ones had never met.

“All these (subcommittees, working groups) are to prop up their freshmen to get pictures of them with gavels in their hands when they run for reelection,” said Seifert. “It’s a disservice to the taxpayers, frankly,” he said.

Rep. Jim Abeler, R-Anoka, also questions the use of eight health care access subcommittees.

Health care is an important issue, Abeler opined, but having so many subcommittees means a loss of focus.

To borrow a term from Forrest Gump, The terms "democrat" and "big government" go together like peas and carrots, do they not?

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

I'll be gone for a few...

One of my sons and I will be heading down to St. Louis for a couple of days, and then to Chicago for the weekend.

Not sure how much access I'll have to a computer, so posting may be light.

Have a great weekend, and thanks, as always, to all who stop by!


Wednesday Hero Blogburst 10-17-07

Sgt. Robert M. McDowell
Sgt. Robert M. McDowell
30 years old from Deer Park, Texas
2nd Brigade Special Troops Battalion, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 10th Mountain Division
April 01, 2007

Sgt. Robert M. McDowell was a military police noncommissioned officer assigned to Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 2nd Brigade Special Troops Battalion.

Originally from Deer Park, Texas, he joined the Army in February 1998 and completed training at Fort Benning, Georgia.

In June 1998 he was assigned to Fort Hood where he served until being reassigned to 1st Battalion, 1st Aviation Regiment at Katterbach Kaserne in Germany in January 2003. While a member of 1st Infantry Division, he served as an AH-64 Apache Attack Helicopter repairman.

McDowell was assigned to Fort Drum in March 2006 after completing military police reclassification training at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri.

He was deployed to Bosnia from February to September 1999.

His awards and decorations include the Purple Heart, Army Commendation Medal, Army Achievement Medal, Joint Meritorious Unit Award, Valorous Unit Award, Army Good Conduct Medal, National Defense Service Medal, Kosovo Campaign Medal, Iraq Campaign Medal, Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary Service Medal, Army Service Ribbon, Overseas Service Ribbon, NATO Medal, Combat Action Badge and the Army Aviator Badge.

Sgt. McDowell was killed when and IED struck his vehicle in Baghdad, Iraq. He is survived by his wife and son, of Evans Mills, N.Y., and a daughter, Madison McDowell, of New Mexico.

Also killed in the attack were Staff Sgt. David A. Mejias, Staff Sgt. Eric R. Vick and Sgt. William G. Bowling. You can find more information about them at this site.

These brave men and women sacrifice so much in their lives so that others may enjoy the freedoms we get to enjoy everyday. For that, I am proud to call them Hero.
We Should Not Only Mourn These Men And Women Who Died, We Should Also Thank God That Such People Lived

This post is part of the Wednesday Hero Blogroll. For more information about Wednesday Hero, or if you would like to post it on your blog, you can go here.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

They should be brought up on child endangerment charges:

A Portland, ME. middle school not only wants to hand out condoms without parental consent, they want to pass out the Pill, as well!

Students who have parental permission to be treated at King Middle School's health center would be able to get birth control prescriptions under a proposal that the Portland School Committee will consider Wednesday.

The proposal would build on the King Student Health Center's practice of providing condoms as part of its reproductive health program since it opened in 2000, said Lisa Belanger, a nurse practitioner who oversees the city's student health centers.

If the committee approves the King proposal, it would be the first middle school in Maine to make a full range of contraception available to some students in grades 6 to 8, said Nancy Birkhimer, director of teen health programs for the Maine Department of Health and Human Services. Most middle schoolers are ages 11-13.

Although students must have written parental permission to be treated at Portland's school-based health centers, state law allows them to seek confidential health care and to decide whether to inform their parents about the services they receive, Belanger said.

Proponents say a small number of King students are sexually active, but those who are need better access to birth control.

Of 134 students who visited King's health center during the 2006-07 school year, five students, or 4 percent, reported having sexual intercourse, said Amanda Rowe, lead nurse in Portland's school health centers.

"This is a service that is totally needed," Rowe said. "It's about very few kids, but they are kids who don't have the same opportunities and access as other students."

What ever happened to, "Knock it off, keep your zipper up and cross your legs?" What ever happened to letting the parents know that their kids are engaging in risk-taking behaviors that can literally result in premature death?

I work in schools. I know for a fact that kids can't get a friggen Tylenol without an act of Congress, and parental permission, yet this school wants to act like a drug pusher, and give kids heavy duty medication without the knowledge of their parents?? Not to mention putting these kids at risk by letting them think it's okay to have sex just because they're on the Pill.

If I was a parent of one of those kids, I'd be livid, and would have my attorney on these pervert slimeballs like stink on shit.

They have the gall to call themselves educators? Educators for who, the porn industry?

Face it, folks, the neo-socialist liberals are hellbent on destroying our society, one child at a time.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Don't tell me you can't arrest this pig!

It appears that a pig, right here in the United States, has been found to be spreading propaganda for another group of pigs. And not a damned thing is being done about it:
When Osama bin Laden issued his videotaped message to the American people last month, a young jihad enthusiast went online to help spread the word.

“America needs to listen to Shaykh Usaamah very carefully and take his message with great seriousness,” he wrote on his blog. “America is known to be a people of arrogance.”

Unlike Mr. bin Laden, the blogger was not operating from a remote location. It turns out he is a 21-year-old American named Samir Khan who produces his blog from his parents’ home in North Carolina, where he serves as a kind of Western relay station for the multimedia productions of violent Islamic groups.

In recent days, he has featured “glad tidings” from a North African militant leader whose group killed 31 Algerian troops. He posted a scholarly treatise arguing for violent jihad, translated into English. He listed hundreds of links to secret sites from which his readers could obtain the latest blood-drenched insurgent videos from Iraq.

His neatly organized site also includes a file called “United States of Losers,” which showcased a recent news broadcast about a firefight in Afghanistan with this added commentary from Mr. Khan: “You can even see an American soldier hiding during the ambush like a baby!! AllahuAkbar! AllahuAkbar!”

His parents apparently can't do a thing with him:
Mr. Khan, who was born in Saudi Arabia and grew up in Queens, is an unlikely foot soldier in what Al Qaeda calls the “Islamic jihadi media.” He has grown up in middle-class America and wrestles with his worried parents about his religious fervor. Yet he is stubborn. “I will do my best to speak the truth, and even if it annoys the disbelievers, the truth must be preached,” Mr. Khan said in an interview.
Well, how about taking your loser son's computer away from him, and telling him to go out and get a friggen job, instead of living in your basement?

Apparently, spreading Jihadist propaganda at a time of war is something that the cops can't do anything about, either:
While there is nothing to suggest that Mr. Khan is operating in concert with militant leaders, or breaking any laws, he is part of a growing constellation of apparently independent media operators who are broadcasting the message of Al Qaeda and other groups, a message that is increasingly devised, translated and aimed for a Western audience.

Well, seeing as how Samir "the pig-faced loser" Khan (who's so friggen brave he dare not show his face) is so intent on fomenting hatred and recruiting for the enemy, and since he takes such delight at the death of our soldiers, perhaps the good citizens of Charlotte, North Carolina could find out where Samir takes up residence, hold a nice protest and let ol Samir know that he is "less than welcome" here in the United States.

Also, leave it to the New York Times to protect yet another Islamic terrorist here in the good ol' USA.

According to the Times,

Born in Riyadh, the capital of Saudi Arabia, Mr. Khan was 7 when his family moved to New York City and settled into the Queens neighborhood of Maspeth.

He mirrored his teenage peers, from their slang to their baggy pants, until August 2001 when, at age 15, he said, he attended a weeklong summer camp at a mosque in Queens, which was sponsored by a fundamentalist but nonviolent group now known as the Islamic Organization of North America (IONA).

A fundamentalist, but nonviolent group??

There are sources that beg to differ:

During MAS-ICNA’s first joint convention in Baltimore in 2002, Shaker Elsayed, then the MAS [Muslim American Society--ed] Secretary General, said about suicide bombing: “The Islamic scholars said whenever there is an attack on an Islamic state or occupation, or the honor of the Muslims has been violated, the Jihad is a must for everyone, a child, a lady and a man. They have to make Jihad with every tool that they can get in their hand.” Elsayed’s statement echoes a fatwa published by The American Muslim online edition in March 2002. In the fatwa, Fawsal Mawlawi, a close associate of Qaradawi, explained that “in martyr operations, the Muslim sacrifices his own life for the sake of performing a religious duty, which is Jihad against the enemy.”

MAS and ICNA have also drawn closer to the North American branch of a radical anti-Semitic and anti-American Pakistani organization, Tanzeem-e-Islami, which operates in the U.S. under the name Islamic Organization of North America (IONA). MAS and ICNA leaders have attended IONA events and IONA endorsed an MAS event in California in February 2007. At IONA’s official launching event in June 2004, Dr. Souheil Ghannouchi, former MAS president, said “I don’t think there is any difference” between IONA and MAS ideology.

And don't tell me he has no connection to Al Qaeda. You don't just "stumble upon" terrorist web sites and insurgent videos. You don't find them on Google.

So I have a message for the little Islamist twerp named Samir Khan: I hope you rot in hell, and that your 72 "virgins" are all 350 pound sweaty guys named bubba who each want you as their own personal "byotch."

Top Ten Reasons Norway Should Keep its Consulate open in Minneapolis

You may have read or heard the story of how Norway is now considering closing its consulate in Minneapolis, which has been operating since 1906. Today, Governor Pawlenty sent a letter to the Consulate asking that they reconsider their decision to confer "honorary status" to their Minneapolis Consulate, while opening new working consulates in Spain and China.

With apologies to the Nihlist, I wish to render these Top Ten Reasons why the Norwegian Consulate should stay in Minneapolis.

10. They will find the stories offered by the Beijing newspapers to be way too conservative when compared with the Strib.

9. You just can't get a good lefse breakfast anywhere in Madrid nowadays.

8. Cheesy Sven & Ole jokes now bombarding the consulate will be replaced by even cheesier Chin and Chung jokes in Beijing.

7. Norwegian Consulate workers wouldn't be able to stomach the spicy food in Madrid. Or Shanghai. Or Milwaukee. Or...

6. If they were to move out, the government of Norway would be required to first pick up the exorbitant haz-mat costs for cleanup of the lab where they've been illegally manufacturing lutefisk all these years.

5. They will undoubtedly be receiving drunk phone calls in Beijing at 2am from Nick Coleman, wondering why they didn't take him with.

4. Spain just may surrender to the Norwegians, leaving the consulate with a bit more responsibility than they bargained for.

3. Being forced to try Flamenco dancing may cause otherwise stiff Norwegians to maim themselves.

2. The folks at Norwegianity will lose a major source for their self-esteem, causing them to declare bankruptcy after hiring a series of high-priced grief counselors.

1. Minneapolis is the only place in the world that makes Norway look conservative.

The Truth About Haditha

Can be found at Murtha Must Go!!

Friday, October 12, 2007

Damn he's good...

You gotta see this.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

They May Well Have Said, "Submit or Die!"

In what can only be termed as a brazen act of arrogance and hypocrisy, the Muzzies have finally outdone themselves.

From here:

The "survival of the world" is at stake if Muslims and Christians do not make peace with each other, leaders of the Muslim world will warn the Pope and other Christian leaders today.

In an unprecedented open letter signed by 138 leading scholars from every sect of Islam, the Muslims plead with Christian leaders "to come together with us on the common essentials of our two religions" and spell out the similarities between passages of the Bible and the Koran.

The scholars state: "As Muslims, we say to Christians that we are not against them and that Islam is not against them - so long as they do not wage war against Muslims on account of their religion, oppress them and drive them out of their homes."

The phrasing has echoes of the New Testament passage: "He that is not with me is against me" - a passage used by President George Bush when addressing a joint session of Congress nine days after 9/11.
Geeze--just who attacked whom on September 11, 2001??? So long as they do not wage war against Muslims, oppress them and drive them out of their homes???

WTF--every friggen conflict in the world can be traced to Muslim intolerance of others!

Muslims call instead for the emphasis to be on the shared characteristics of world's two largest faiths.

The letter, addressed to Pope Benedict XVI, to the Orthodox Church's Patriarch of Constantinople, Bartholomew 1 and all the other Orthodox Patriarchs and to the Archbishop of Canterbury Dr Rowan Williams and the leaders of all other Protestant churches worldwide, will be rolled out around the world this morning in a series of press conferences beginning in Jordan. It is supported by the Bishop of London, the Right Rev Richard Chartres.

The Muslims have accepted absolutely no culpability with regard how their own have ravaged the world in the name of their religion! And they then have the gall to "start a dialogue" with a warning that we need to get along with them???

Hey Muhammed--sit on this and rotate, k?

Algore on a Secret Mission!

It appears that Algore has been called on a secret and "super cereal" mission!!

In a note sent to event supporters and posted on the blog, Boxer wrote: "I just got a call from Vice President Al Gore. He told me that he needs to travel abroad tomorrow for an exciting and urgent mission that could result in a major breakthrough in the fight against global warming manbearpig!"

Now, a man on such an important, super-cereal mission should have his own theme song!

I therefore submit :

Enviro-Whacko Man (with apologies to Johnny Rivers)

There's a man whose oh so continental
But everyone he meets, they think he's mental..
With every speech he makes,
Another "fact" he fakes
An' odds are that he'll lie again tomorrow.

Enviro-whacko Man!
Enviro-whacko Man!
They've given you a Nobel.
They've fallen for your plan!

Beware of pretty faces that you find.
A pretty face may hide an evil mind.
Ooh be careful what you say.
Cause your lies give you away!
But odds are that you'll lie again tomorrow!

Enviro-Whacko Man!
Enviro-Whacko Man!
That manbearpig's a comin'
It's all part of your plan.

Jetting to the Riviera one day
Layin' in a Bombay alley the next day
With every global stint
Another Carbon foot print!
But odds are that you'll lie again tomorrow!

Enviro-Whacko Man!
Enviro-Whacko Man!
They've given you a Nobel.
And fell right for your plan!

Enviro-Whacko Maaaaaaaaaan!

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Regarding posting lite...

I've been putting in some 12-14 hour days this past week, and don't have a heck of a lot of time; therefore blogging has been and will be light; at least for the next few days.

Thanks for checking in, though!

But I do want to say on a lighter note that Justin Sharrat, one of the now-exonerated Haditha Marines, along with his father Darryl Sharrat, will be filming a segment on Friday with Sean Hannity to be played on Sunday's Sean Hannity's America!

Set your TiVos for what will surely be an enlightening interview; the likes of which should send shivers down what's left of the spine of a certain Pennsylvania 12th CD congressman; who no doubt will be discovering first hand the meaning of the word, 'karma.'

Sucks to be you, Jack. Heh.

NY goes Dhimmi...

Six years after being attacked by radical Islam, NYC salutes Islam. With its tallest building.
New York's iconic Empire State Building is to be lit up green from Friday in honor of the Muslim holiday of Eid, the biggest festival in the Muslim calendar marking the end of Ramadan, officials said.

"This is the first time that the Empire State Building will be illuminated for Eid, and the lighting will become an annual event in the same tradition of the yearly lightings for Christmas and Hannukah," according to a statement.

Eid al-Fitr, which marks the end of the fasting month, is expected to be celebrated in New York from Friday, depending on when the new moon is sighted, and the city's tallest skyscraper will remain green until Sunday.

Built in the early 1930s, the 443-meter-tall (1,454-feet-tall) Empire State Building was first lit up with colored lighting in 1976, when red, white and blue lights were used to mark the American Bicentennial.

An estimated seven million Muslims live in the United States.

Wednesday Hero Blogburst 10-10-2007

This Weeks Hero Was Suggested By Beth

Holly Holeman

Her name is Holly Holeman. Her job is working at a flower shop. And her mission to make sure soldiers are never forgotten. Which is why she's out at Arlington National Cemetery every week putting flowers around the headstones. She usually does this alone, but on a bitter cold day in February of 2007 she was met with family members of fallen soldiers buried in Section 60 of the cemetery who helped her to place the roses.

To read the rest of Holly's story, you can go here.

These brave men and women sacrifice so much in their lives so that others may enjoy the freedoms we get to enjoy everyday. For that, I am proud to call them Hero.
We Should Not Only Mourn These Men And Women Who Died, We Should Also Thank God That Such People Lived

This post is part of the Wednesday Hero Blogroll. For more information about Wednesday Hero, or if you would like to post it on your blog, you can go here.