Monday, October 08, 2007

Known by the Company She Keeps..

Yes, in the company of criminals:

WASHINGTON (Map, News) - Sandy Berger, who stole highly classified terrorism documents from the National Archives, destroyed them and lied to investigators, is now an adviser to presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Berger, who was fired from John Kerry’s presidential campaign when the scandal broke in 2004, has assumed a similar role in Clinton’s campaign, even though his security clearance has been suspended until September 2008 [Why is this clown getting back his security clearance at all?!?--ed]. This is raising eyebrows even among Clinton’s admirers.

“It shows poor judgment and a lack of regard for Berger’s serious misdeeds,” said law professor Jonathan Adler of Case Western Reserve University, who nonetheless called Clinton “by far the most impressive candidate in the Democratic field.”

Adler told The Examiner that it is “simply incomprehensible to me that a serious contender for the presidency would rely upon him as a key foreign policy advisor.”

Indeed. Unless, while rifling through those documents that Berger stole and stuffed in his trousers, he came upon some especially damningly juicy and inconvenient facts that Hillary would rather not be made public.

But then again, this would not be the first time that Hillary Robbem' Clinton would make an unsavory character feel at home:

Although certain war heroes and dedicated soldiers of honor, however, need not apply.