Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Regarding posting lite...

I've been putting in some 12-14 hour days this past week, and don't have a heck of a lot of time; therefore blogging has been and will be light; at least for the next few days.

Thanks for checking in, though!

But I do want to say on a lighter note that Justin Sharrat, one of the now-exonerated Haditha Marines, along with his father Darryl Sharrat, will be filming a segment on Friday with Sean Hannity to be played on Sunday's Sean Hannity's America!

Set your TiVos for what will surely be an enlightening interview; the likes of which should send shivers down what's left of the spine of a certain Pennsylvania 12th CD congressman; who no doubt will be discovering first hand the meaning of the word, 'karma.'

Sucks to be you, Jack. Heh.