Sunday, October 07, 2007

More Coleman kowtowing...(UPDATED)

In reaction to the President's wise veto of the SCHIP bill, our resident RINO, Norm Coleman, again took the easy way out:
Said Coleman: "This is about doing the right thing for Minnesota and ensuring access to health insurance for children who need it most. This bill represented a sensible, bipartisan compromise, and I am disappointed by the president's veto."
Anything for a politically correct sound bite, eh Normie? To reiterate,
"This is about doing the right thing for Minnesota and ensuring access to health insurance for children who need it most. This bill represented a sensible, bipartisan compromise, and I am disappointed by the president's veto."
That's the whole dirty little secret. The current SCHIP provides for the neediest of kids. But this new headlong foray into Hillarycare would cover kids with family incomes of up to 80 grand! Coleman knows this, yet he couldn't find enough spine to denounce what could only be termed a giant step toward out and out socialism!

Arclightzero notes that there are big union lobbying groups that are going to throw big money at those who opposed this pork-laden travesty.

Time to contact your congresscritters (and RINO Norm Coleman, too) and tell them that you can see right through this unabashedly socialistic Trojan Horse.

Let them know that you support Bush's veto, and are willing to run through walls to re-elect Bachmann and others who oppose it.

It may also be a good time to remind Norm Coleman just whose party he represents, and that he's running the risk of being laughed at when he takes the floor at the '08 Republican convention which just happens to take place in his home state.

The closer to election time Norm Coleman gets, the more clear it becomes that he is in dire need of a spine transplant.

(h/t Arclight)


Even more evidence that Coleman has gone native.