Regarding "ending poverty."
From KNSI News (all emphases mine):
ST. PAUL (KNSI)- Minnesota’s Commission to End Poverty made a stop in St. Cloud a few weeks ago to talk about the increase in poverty and hunger.
The 20-member group, established by the Legislature, held a hearing Wednesday at the State Capitol. Among those testifying Colleen Moriarty with Hunger Solutions. She says, while the state needs a long-term plan, there are also immediate concerns. She also called on the Commission to urge Congress to increase funding for Food Stamps, school breakfast and elderly nutrition programs in the next Farm Bill.
The Commission has been directed to draw up a plan to eliminate poverty in Minnesota by 2020.
Another "Great Society" debacle in the making on the State level? Unabridged (v 1.1) - Cite This Source - Share This pov·er·ty
ti/Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[pov-er-tee] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation –noun
1. the state or condition of having little or no money, goods, or means of support; condition of being poor; indigence.
Question: How does one "end poverty" by increasing government handouts?
You want to end poverty? Literally? You do it by increasing the number of JOBS available! You do it by ending confiscatory tax policies that stifle job growth, and instead unleash new money into the local economy.
Fact of the matter is, liberals have never been in favor of eliminating poverty. They NEED poverty; since they need a hopeless, subservient class that depends on liberalism for their meager sustenance. The white limousine liberals have, since the early 1960s, created a plantation that parallels those that enslaved blacks during the mid 1800s. But instead of harvesting cotton, they harvest the votes required to keep them in power.
In the end, liberals aren't for finding solutions; rather, they're looking for the next problem that allows them to be viewed as saviors. And rather than actually solving the problem, they propose inane "pseudo-solutions" that only perpetuate it, such as enabling and expanding the culture and conditions that served to create the problem in the first place.
In sum, the problem of "poverty" is at its roots one of social engineering. The road to hell has and continues to be paved by the neo-socialists with their "good intentioned" means of keeping the poor in their place; while instilling no hope of upward mobility.
Rather, by creating a climate of fear that the poor will be abandoned should they fall out of power, the neo-socialists have accomplished what the KKK could have only hoped to accomplish.
As a matter of fact, the KKK couldn't have done any more damage if they tried.