Thanks for your prayers and support...
He usually has a good mind, but is now quite disoriented... he's "taking" imaginary medicine at the times he's supposed to take them (he's pretending like he's taking his pills) even though we're reassuring him that all his medicine is going through his IV...
Underwent his second dialysis treatment last night... the first one resulted in a slight improvement. We're thinking that all the toxins in his blood may be a reason for his disorientation.
Also, he has gotten some kind of contagious infection (MRSA (sp?)--heh... there's a blister on my finger now, I think I caught it...) so we have to gown up before entering his room....
We're hoping that the dialysis will stabilize him, but between the cancer, diabetes, congestive heart failure, and everything else... well. we're ready for the worst, I guess...
Thanks for your thoughts and prayers...
I'll be a the hospital all day again today... hopefully I can check back tomorrow morning,
Thanks again-- you folks are the best...