Friday, September 23, 2005

Pigs reside on both sides of the aisle..

(click on the picture for a full size view)

One thing that can be said regarding both sides of the aisle-the era of big government is alive and well. Say what you want about the good things that President Bush has done; his spendthrift tendencies and drunken-sailor fiscal policies have always stuck in the craw of this conservative voter. The same can certainly be said about the holders of the purse strings--the Republican led congress, whose insatiable penchant for spending other people's money makes Teddy Kennedy look like Ebenezer Scrooge.

That's why I was heartened when I saw Truth Laid Bear start a movement that would hold our wayward bretheren's feet to the fire. The disheartening aspect, though, is that the only elected representative to actually commit to cut the pork (kind of) is none other than Nancy Pelosi. Heck, even our own fearless leader is delusional:
Fiscal conservatives were surprised to hear last week from House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-Texas) that all waste has been eliminated from the federal budget.(emphasis mine)
Now call me naive, but isn't this considered pork?
This spending spree needs to stop. I urge all to look here, and look up your elected representatives. If there is a "no committment" next to their name, give them a call and ask them what they are willing to cut. If they are still not willing to commit, ask them why, and report back to Truth Laid Bear.

It's about sometime someone holds these clowns accountable. I know we can do so at the ballot box, but a lot of damage can still be done between now and the next election. The time to act is now.