Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Culture-of-Death Dems pull out all the stops...

And you thought the Michael J. Fox ad was bad:
Wieland denounces 'cadaver' ad
By PAT KINNEY, Courier Business Editor

WATERLOO --- Republican Iowa House District 20 candidate David Wieland and Iowa House Speaker Christopher Rants of Sioux City have denounced a political advertisement released this weekend against Wieland showing what appears to be a covered cadaver on a gurney, assailing his position on stem-cell research.

Wieland said he supports adult, but not embryonic, stem-cell research, but said the ad implies "If you vote for Dave Wieland, you're going to kill people."

He and Rants called the ad a new low in the already vitriolic campaign between Wieland and Democrat Doris Kelley for the District 20 seat being vacated by the retiring Waterloo Republican Willard Jenkins.

"She (Kelley) has thrown out all bounds of decency," Wieland said today. "I have never done an attack like this on my opponent," except to refer to Kelley as a "lobbyist."
I tell you, the democrats' Goebbels-like tactics are getting to be unbelievable.

There is no proven benefit to fetal stem cell research. None. There is, however, PROOF that fetal stem cells are unstable, and have the tendency to evolve into tumors. There is also ample proof that adult stem cells and cord-blood stem cells hold infinitely more promise for benefit, and do nothing to harm a developing human life.

So why are the leftists hanging on to this Mengelian notion of destroying fetuses for fun and profit? Because they see the moral legs of their pro-abortion platform crumbling, and they can't find anything else from which to prop up their argument.

With advances in medical technology, human babies are living far longer outside the womb than ever before, calling into question abortion for the sake of the "health of the mother." Forget about the supposed morality of partial-birth abortions. The abortion lobby, knowing that they have no moral leg to stand on in continuing their heinous practices, are clinging on to the specious, mythical "promise" of fetal/embryonic stem cell research like an aging, used up Hennepin Avenue hooker hangs on to her last "rock" of crack cocaine.

Such wanton disregard for human life has its consequences. Like burning aborted babies in incinerators, in a fashion reminiscent of the fate of Jews and of the "final solution."

Abortion, and its ugly cousin, embryonic and fetal stem cell "research", like the holocaust, like the Stalinist Purges, and like slavery will go down in history as one of man's most egregious acts of inhumanity to his fellow man.

May that point in history come sooner, rather than later.