Monday, October 23, 2006

Murtha compares himself to McGovern!

In an article in the Chicago Tribune, Murtha compares himself with one of the most failed, most far-left presidential candidates of the 20th century, George McGovern:
While polls suggest that a majority of Americans now think it was a mistake to invade Iraq, the 74-year-old Murtha is leading an almost singular political charge to bring the troops home. Eleven months after Murtha stunned Washington with a call to withdraw from Iraq, there is no boisterous band of incumbent Democratic brothers joining the old Marine against the barrage of cut-and-run and defeat-o-crat charges.

"It took a long time to realize that George McGovern was way ahead of everyone else," he said.
With the quarters of support he has been seeking and maintaining this past year, it is no surprise that Jack Murtha would liken himself to one of the most far-left politicians ever to be endorsed by a major political party for high office in the 20th century.

But was George McGovern really ahead of everyone else? Well, I suppose that one could argue that McGovern was on the vanguard of the anti- Vietnam war movement.

But being ahead does not necessarily equate to being right. In fact, Sometimes being ahead can translate into being very wrong. McGovern, perhaps not incidentally one of the founding members of the far-left wing Progressive Party in the late 1940s, pretty much set the standard for the anti-war movement of the 1960s. A movement, by the way, that was not without consequence. As a matter of fact, one can say that the Vietnam-era antiwar movement was largely responsible for the snuffing out of every life that belonged to the skulls in this photo--and then some.

In a war where the U.S. had lost no military battles, the anti-war left, which George McGovern embodied, waged a propaganda war that led to a premature pullout of American soldiers, which in turn led directly to a genocide of innocents at levels unseen since the Stalinist purges.

So it indeed seems entirely fitting for Jack Murtha, who wants the United States to prematurely pull out of a war in which it has lost no military battles--leaving as a result untold millions vulnerable to the whims of bloodthirsty savages--to compare himself with George McGovern, who was responsible in large part for the killing fields that ravaged Southeast Asia after the U.S. pullout. It also seems to be no accident that Murtha proudly compares himself with a man whose antiwar movement was also responsible for the mentality that led to spitting on soldiers and calling them "baby killers" upon their return from Vietnam. After all, Murtha has done his share of spitting on soldiers, as well.

Worse yet, when we prematurely pulled out of Vietnam, the Viet Kong set up shop, slaughtered hundreds of thousands if not millions of their fellow countrymen, and stayed put.

Should we prematurely pull out of Iraq, the Islamofascists will set up shop, and slaughter hundreds of thousands if not millions of their fellow countrymen. The main difference being, of course, is that should we prematurely pull out of Iraq, the Islamofascists have no intention of "staying put."

This leads me to wonder if the active and retired military voters of PA-12 ever, in their wildest dreams, knew that they had elected a United States congressman who would not only embrace George McGovern as a role model, but be proud of it?

Chances are, before Jack Murtha started opening his big fat piehole in his quest for political power, one never would have known. But with the notoriety that Murtha has brought upon himself this past year, he has at the very least allowed PA-12 voters to gain more and more of a glimpse at who he truly is. And it hasn't been pretty.

Actually, it is with some degree of irony that Jack Murtha chose George McGovern as a role model. After all, when all is said and done on November 7th, Murtha and McGovern will not only have shared similar antiwar sentiments with the potential for yielding similar (or worse) consequences, they will have also shared a similar electoral fate.