The democrats and the media vs...
This time, they have Patty Wetterling, who herself conceded that she was too liberal for the tastes of the MN 6th CD (arguably one of the most conservative of Minnesota's congressional districts), predictably (as I related to Jeff Kouba) ahead of Michele Bachmann 48-40.
BvW has some great analysis here, and here. And King also has a good report on the "fair and unbiased" sample from which the poll was taken.
As has been the case in every election season now for the past 30-plus years, it has been the dinosaur media and the Democrats vs. the Republicans.
While it is true that democrats tend to raise less money from a lesser variety of people than do republicans, their lack of fundraising is more than made up through free propaganda and advertising, courtesy of their all-too-willing media shills.
Yet, despite what should be an overwhelming advantage for democrats, they keep on losing.
I wonder why.
You have no doubt heard democrats calling for a "new direction" in the GWOT and in Iraq.
Judging by their abysmal failures in selling their policy initiatives, as evident by their lack of electoral successes in the past 12 years, isn't it time that they heeded their own advice?