Friday, October 20, 2006

Hell hath no when the truth is spoken about a Clinton...


WASHINGTON (AP) -- Elizabeth Edwards, wife of White House hopeful John Edwards, apologized to Sen. Hillary Clinton after saying her choices in life have made her happier than the senator, a Clinton aide said Friday.

Clinton adviser Howard Wolfson said Elizabeth Edwards called the New York Democrat on Friday night just after she finished a debate in Rochester, N.Y., against Republican challenger John Spencer.

"Elizabeth Edwards called her and apologized," Wolfson said. "They had a good conversation."

Heh---"good conversation". I suppose it went something like this:

Hillary to Elizabeth: "Apologize, bitch, or I'll go Vince Foster all over your ass!"

Wolfson said the two spoke only for a couple of minutes.

"The senator thanked her for the call and wished her well on her book tour," Wolfson said.

The apology followed remarks by Elizabeth Edwards on Thursday at a luncheon sponsored by Ladies' Home Journal.

"She and I are from the same generation," she said of the senator and former first lady. "We both went to law school and married other lawyers, but after that we made other choices. I think my choices have made me happier. I think I'm more joyful than she is."

Ooooooo.... man--that must've hit Hillary like a ton of Monicas (I think that works out to be around 4 or so). But then again, true liberals are a joyless lot, and despite her recent attempts to portray herself as otherwise, Hillary is, after all, a true liberal.