The Culture of Death, post-Schiavo. The slippery slope continues...
They will take their victories on an incremental basis. Since the advent of Roe v. Wade in 1973, the "culture of death" leftists have slowly, yes, incrementally, acculturated the public to the idea that innocent life is disposable. Starting with making the concept of early-term abortions socially tolerable and then acceptable, the "culture of death" leftists have gone on to incrementally acculturate the populace to an ever-widening variety of heinous practices; including making late-term abortions, Mengelian experiments on human embryos, and even hastening the death of incapacitated adults socially acceptable. But if you think that this incrementalism has run its course, think again:
When one is god-less, one tends to fill the void by playing the part himself, and invariably failing miserably at it.Allow 'active euthanasia' for
disabled babies, doctors urge
By Francis Elliott, Whitehall Editor
Published: 05 November 2006
Doctors are urging health regulators to consider allowing the "active euthanasia" of severely disabled newborn babies.
The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecology has put forward the option of permitting mercy killings of the sickest infants to a review of medical ethics.
It says "active euthanasia" should be considered for the overall benefit of families who would otherwise suffer years of emotional and financial suffering.
Deliberate action to end infants' lives may also reduce the number of late abortions, since it would allow women the chance to decide whether their disabled child should live.
"A very disabled child can mean a disabled family. If life-shortening and deliberate interventions to kill infants were available, they might have an impact on obstetric decision-making," the college writes in a submission to the Nuffield Council on Bioethics.
Nothing illustrates that concept better than this news story.
As an educator who works with some severely disabled children, I am here to say that every life has value. Every life has purpose. I have worked with some severely disabled children who are more loving, and yes, more human than the many pointy-headed arrogant intellectuals who claim to know better.
To value life based solely on outward functionality and/or arbitrary level of/ contribution to society, rather than on its inherent sacredness, is to engage in the same god-less mentality that led to the gas chambers at Auschwitz, the Stalinist purges, the killing fields in Cambodia, and every instance of man's inhumanity to man since time immemoriam.
Only this time it's man's inhumanity to children.
Welcome to a brave new world.