Thursday, March 15, 2007

Stupid DFL Tricks, Part II

6. REVERSE DISCRIMINATION IN COURT: Rep. Cy Thao (D-St. Paul) wants courts to give job preferences to immigrants over citizens when awarding contracts for translators and interpreters. Should immigrants automatically be presumed to have better English skills than American-born citizens have skills in foreign languages? (House File 46)

7. BAMBI IS PLACING YOU UNDER “CREATURE ARREST”: Rep. Joe Mullery (D-Minneapolis) wants to create a board to provide "environmental justice," which means the fair treatment of people of all races, cultures, and income in the development, adoption, implementation, and enforcement of environmental laws and policies. (House File 205)

8. RAISE MINIMUM WAGE BY 50% AND PUT IT ON AUTO-PILOT: Rep. Tom Rukavina (D-Virginia) wants to raise the minimum wage by 50% and put annual increases on auto-pilot with indexing based on urban pay scales, even if the unemployment rate suddenly skyrockets. (House File 456)

9. THE A.G. IS HERE TO SEE IF YOU ARE “SOCIALLY RESPONSIBLE”: Rep. Bill Hilty (D-Finlayson) wants to change business laws to create “socially responsible corporations,” into which the Attorney General may intervene for failure to meet social goals. (House File 404)

10. HOW DOES ONE SHAVE A YAK?: Rep. David Bly (D-Northfield) wants you to pay $125,000 to provide research on what “alternative livestock” could eat grass in Minnesota. (House File 845)