Tuesday, January 08, 2008

He Lives!

Every time I look at weeding the Psyc's Pselect Pscreeds blogroll, I take a look at Bogus Gold, and think that I should probably delete it, since Doug hadn't made a post since friggen July of 1889.

But then, there's always been a little inkling in the back of my brain, whispering, "He'll be back; patience!" Well, much to my amazement, and unbeknownst to me until today, Bogus Doug has again re-united with his blogging mistress, and has been writing now for the better part of three weeks.

Of course, he's a little worse for wear, and perhaps a bit senile, thinking that John McCain will be the Republican nominee and eventual president, but he'll come around.

Welcome back to the land of the addicted, Doug.