Tuesday, January 15, 2008

On going native...

If he keeps this up, our esteemed Senator Norm Coleman, will be "swimming with the fishies," politically speaking.
A new study finds that Sen. Norm Coleman voted with a majority of fellow Republicans just 64 percent of the time last year on the eve of a tough re-election battle, his lowest rating since entering the Senate in 2003.

Looked at another way, the Minnesota senator opposed his party 36 percent of the time, putting him fifth among GOP senators, behind party moderates Olympia Snowe (Maine), Arlen Specter (Pennsylvania), Susan Collins (Maine) and Gordon Smith (Oregon). [NOTE: Norm Coleman voted against his party more than CHUCK HAGEL--ed]

The party unity ratings were published by Congressional Quarterly, a Capitol Hill publication.

The 64 percent rating follows 77 percent ratings in 2006 and 2005, 91 percent in 2004, and 92 percent in 2003. Coleman's fifth-place rating in 2007 is his highest, but not by much. In 2005, his opposition voting record was 6th among Republicans. In 2004, he was 13th in the category, his highest figure. He was 8th in 2003 and 2006.

Two of Coleman's Democratic challengers said Coleman is doing what he can to help his own re-election, not Minnesotans. A spokesman for Coleman counters that he's consistently been an "independent Republican" looking out for the state's best interests.
So, Senator Coleman, you believe that 30 percent of the Republican party agenda of low taxes, energy independence, and smaller government is not in the best interests of the citizens of the state of Minnesota?

Your base-- you know, the ones that work for you and give you money to get you elected--would like to have a talk with you, Norm.

With a RINO voting record like that, who the hell needs democrats?