Saturday, April 05, 2008

Confusion abounds

There's a new process whereby the resolutions are presented along with codes that represent the recommendations made by the resolutions committee.

The delegates are then free to bring up items to bring up for further debate. If the rules committee recommended a potential platform item, and someone contested the item, it would be discussed later in greater detail; if an item that was singled out for extinction but was called for by 15 percent of the delegates, it would be brought up and voted upon. It was quite confusing at first.

12:13pm: Norm Coleman is speaking. Talked about his life in MN; "Minnesota needs problem-solvers, not satirists"

"We must never entertain the notion that we should require a permission slip from the UN in order to defend ourselves."

"A leader w/o followers is just a guy taking a walk."
(more on that later).

Credited voters with his election which paved the way for Roberts & Alito.

Change: "The only change you'll see from dems is the change left in your pocket after they suck out all the dollars."

"Folks are flocking to Obama, but he's not giving them anything substantial. This 'sugar high' won't last."

"We're out there protecting the family budget."

"Talk radio's rejection of John McCain is a death- wish. This Presidential race will be about character. John McCain's character beats 0bama's & Hillary's character by a country mile."

We need to wean ourselves from dependence on foreign oil. We need to do coal, nuclear and other forms of energy. (ANWR and other domestic sources would help, too, Norm).

"America is the world's last great hope. Lincoln was right then, and he's right now"