Et tu, George?
George Bush has drunk the Gore-Aid....
WASHINGTON (AP) -- President Bush, stepping into the debate over global warming, plans to announce on Wednesday a national goal for stopping the growth of greenhouse gas emissions over the next few decades.
In a speech in the Rose Garden, Bush will lay out a strategy rather than a specific proposal for curbing emissions, White House press secretary Dana Perino said Tuesday. She did not disclose details of his announcement and would not say whether the president would propose any kind of mandatory cap on greenhouse gas emissions.
The president wants every major economy, including fast-growing nations like China and India, to establish a national goal for cutting the emissions believed responsible for global warming.
Granted that Bush's plan doesn't seem as extreme as Algore's or other enviro-nutters, but what bothers me most in the first place is the perceived need among so-called conservative politicians to even humor the demonstrably false notion that human activities actually have an impact on something as global as climate; all for the purpose of being able to beat your chest at election time and say that you care.
Yet more onerous is the fact that the man-made global warming (MMWG) fairy tale, when translated into public and fiscal policy, it is nothing less than devastating to our economic and strategic well-being. A fairy tale, that when followed to its logical conclusion, inflicts very real yet very-unnecessary suffering and hardship on all of us.
When we are prevented from harvesting our own proven domestic sources of energy for fear of offending the nature-nutters, to the point where not only does the cost of energy skyrocket exponentially, to the point where we are not only beholden to third world thugs to meet our energy needs, but also to the point where the cost of the very food on which we survive becomes less and less affordable, I have a bit more than a problem with that.
And to add insult to injury, we have supposedly conservative folks like our front-runner for president, our governor, and even our mayor wantonly perpetuating the MMWG myth for nothing else than for purposes of political correctness. I spoke with Governor Pawlenty about a month ago regarding his stances on the Midwestern Regional Greenhouse Gas Reduction Accord, and he in effect had the attitude that it "wasn't hurting anybody" and that he would only go along with the initiatives if they don't have a deleterious effect on the economy.
Memo to Pawlenty: It has.
There are those, even in the conservative blogosphere, who say that there is a need for conservative candidates to pay homage to the MMGW gods in order to be elected.
To that, I politely say, "POPPYCOCK!"
The heretofore widespread public belief in the MMGW scam has hit its watermark; and the impending backlash is very apparent to anyone who lives and does business outside the beltway and outside the Capitol grounds in St. Paul. Anyone with an IQ above room temperature and a bleeding wallet to match has seen, is starting to see, or soon will see the ruse; and the first politician to have the presence of mind and the cajones to call this hoax for what it is will rightly go miles in the current and future political landscape.
And just for telling the truth.
Feature that.