Monday, March 26, 2007

Stupid DFL Tricks, Part VI

26. FREE GED FEES FOR THE “PRECARIOUSLY HOUSED”: Rep. Frank Hornstein (D-Minneapolis) would waive the test fee for GED tests for persons who are “precariously housed,” without defining the term. (House File 751)

27. WILL THERE BE BACKGROUND CHECKS ON THIS?: Rep. Erin Murphy (D-St. Paul) wants to create grants for “family, friends, and neighbors” to gather pre-school children together to read them books. (House File 796)

28. PAY MORE FOR CAR THIEVES AND DWIs IN TWIN CITIES: Rep. John Lesch (D-St. Paul) would make people in the suburbs and Greater Minnesota pay more for car insurances by forbidding insurance companies to set higher rates for the Twin Cities and any other area where there are more crashes, DWIs, and car thefts. (House File 53)

29. DEMOLITION CAN BE HEALTHY AND SAFE: Rep. Brita Sailer (D-Park Rapids) wants to allow the Clearbrook-Gonvick school district to use its state funds for “health and safety” programs to pay for demolition of the old Gonvick school building. (House File 831)

30. I WILL TAKE THE JOB TRAINING, UNTIL I WON’T: Rep. Willie Dominguez (D-Minneapolis) wants to prohibit people who are moving from welfare to work from getting job training from unpaid work unless the welfare recipients sign a waiver for the employer. (House File 924)