Dhimmitude, Dhimmitude, Dhimmitude. (*Updated & Bumped)
The Archbishop of Canterbury has today said that the adoption of Islamic Sharia lawMaintain Social cohesion? Or would it maintain balkanization?in the UK is "unavoidable" and that it would help maintain social cohesion.
Do they use incense burners nowadays in the Anglican church, or do they use crack pipes?
Rowan Williams told BBC Radio 4's World At One that the UK has to "face up to the fact" that some of its citizens do not relate to the British legal system.
He says that Muslims could choose to have marital disputes or financial matters dealt with in a Sharia court. He added Muslims should not have to choose between "the stark alternatives of cultural loyalty or state loyalty".
Dr Williams said there was a place for finding a "constructive accommodation" in areas such as marriage - allowing Muslim women to avoid Western divorce proceedings.
Yep, allow women to avoid those backward "Western" divorce proceedings in favor of the more humane Sharia courts; you know, so that women can be afforded the dignity of being stoned to death for supposed infidelity.
What a complete and utter imbecile this moron is.
A change in perception? WTF is he talking about?!? And on whose part?Other religions enjoyed such tolerance of their own laws, he pointed out, but stressed that it could never be allowed to take precedence over an individual's rights as a citizen.
He said it would also require a change in perception of what Sharia involved beyond the "inhumanity" of extreme punishments and attitudes to women seen in some Islamic states.
A couple of years ago, Robert Ferrigno penned a book called "Prayers for the Assassin" that deals with the consequences of the eventuality of a Muslim takeover and an establishment of Sharia Law in what had been the United States (I have obtained an advance copy of Sins of the Assassin, its sequel, which I will be reviewing shortly). In the book it tells of Christians (mainly Catholics, in the case of the book) that effectively roll over and allow this to happen, and live a life of second class citizenship and/or persecution under the mullahs.
I used to think that Mr. Ferrigno was engaging in a flight of fancy.
Given the above, I'm not quite so sure, now.****UPDATE*****
It seems that some high ranking Anglican clerics (and even a few Muslims) are taking great umbrage with what Williams said...
Officials at Lambeth Palace told the BBC Dr Williams was in a "state of shock" and "completely overwhelmed" by the scale of the row.Gee, ya think so? I mean, the leader of a Christian church who wants to subjugate his nation to Islam?
Perish the thought.