Playing Chicken with I-35 funding... and other MN legislative notes
Steve Gottwalt made it clear that, "There is clearly middle ground on transportation that would move things forward but the DFL leadership has indicated that they will not go there."
And so, a repeat of last year's DFL debacle is already in full swing, with the session only one day old, as the democrats, in full taxpayer-as-ATM mode, continue to bite off more than they can chew. The meaning of the word, "moderation," it seems, is still a lesson to be learned with these bozos.
At least one bright light on the horizon-- Larry Pogemiller, with Tarryl Clark and Larry Hosch agreeing, stated that "nobody wants single-payer health care."
And finally, in the "where have I heard that before?" department, Larry Pogemiller told an all-too familar
Yeah. Right. And elephants are flying out of my butt right now.