Wednesday, February 01, 2006

A stake through the heart of a political campaign? Or just the beginning...

My good friend Jeff alerted me (and I found out on the radio this morning) that our resident WWVP party candidate for governor, Jon Sharkey, got himself into a bit of trouble:
PRINCETON, Minn., Jan. 31 (UPI) --

Self-described vampire and Minnesota gubernatorial candidate Jonathan "The Impaler" Sharkey has been arrested on Indiana charges of stalking and escape.

Sharkey is wanted in Indianapolis on the charges on which bond has been set at $100,000, the Princeton (Minn.) Union-Eagle reported.

Princeton police said their search discovered the May 2005 warrants that led to Sharkey's arrest Monday.

Sharkey, 41, a native of Elizabethtown, N.J., has lived in Princeton since October.

Now if Sharkey was to start asking for a supply of dolls and needles, then I think I'd be afraid.


BTW--I hope his cell is "bat proof."